Chapter 1

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Author Note:
Hello everyone I started a new story called One Little Favour. It's really one of my favourite stories I had written. Please go check it out and give it a like it would mean a lot to me.

Enjoy this book

Hi I'm Sadie , I have brown straightened hair , I'm a great dancer and gymnast and my life is completely upside down. my dad made me move to California and now I need to find another dance group and go to a new school with no friends.
I was finishing my dance with my best friend brad. When the music stopped we got off stage and I drank some water. -----------------------------------------
Not edited this whole story
Brad said " hey Sadie you were great"

brad was my dance partner.I said " thanks brad you rocked too"

he said " I'm going to miss you when your leaving to go to California"

I said " I'm going to miss you and the rest of the crew"

he smiled the I heard the host calling us out. I went to the stage with my group and 2 others. the host said " our first place winner for the whole group is the rockers."

we began to start screaming and I went to accept our trophy since I'm captain. when he announced the other winners he said " ok now for the duet we have for our first place winners the unbeatable team Sadie and brad from the rockers "

I started screaming and jumping with brad then we went to get our trophy. he then announced the rest of the awards and then said " thank you everybody for coming to the world wide dance war"

we then got off stage and i went to get my bags. I said to my team" guys you were awesome and I hope you all stay awesome when I leave "
Lucy said " how come do you need to leave, we will all miss you. you better call me and text me when your at California my Biffle."

I smiled and said " I'm going to miss you Lucy so much your like my best friend "

she smiled then she said " I will try to visit you ok"

I said " that will be awesome"

brad then said " hey Sadie is there going to be a dance team there"

I said " ya at least I can still have dance and there's also a gymnastic gym I just need to get in then when I'm settled down"

he said " great that's awesome oh and by the way Matt wanted to say bye "

I said " what Matt from the team or somewhere else"

he said " your crazy ex boyfriend Matt "

I frowned then sighed. Matt was my first and last boyfriend,we dated for a week but then it went wrong. i turned back to Lucy and I said" I got to go or else I will miss my flight bye team" I turned around and saw Mia . she said " oh your leaving how sad" hint the sarcasm. "

I said " wow got nothing better to do. I guess that normal since you didn't win "

she smirked then said " you will never be as good as me. you just cheated like you always do now move I need to pass I don't want to stay so long if I do I might catch your ugliness "

I said " what did you say" she smirked.

then she said " you little brat. you use all your daddy's money to get what you want and I bet that's how you win "

then i said " you better watch it you little ..." But I didn't get to finish cuz she slapped me.

she said " I bet your mom will be so happy to see her little daughter  turning into a horrible person"

I took my right hand closed it in a fist then punched her. how dare she talk about my mom like that . I was about to go for more but I felt a pair of hands go around me stopping me. I turned to see brad and mia walked away and I sighed and started to walk away too. I then heard brad shout" Sadie text me "

I smiled then went to get my motorcycle. ya your shocked I have a motorcycle cuz lots of girls don't whatever. when I got home I finished packing then sat on the floor and closed my eyes remembering all the good times. I then heard my sister yell " hurry up Sadie "

I said " I'm done packing already"

she then came in and said " hey Sadie can you help with my suitcase it won't close"

I smiled and nodded then we went into her room. I put my left hand on the suitcase and pushed while zipping up. when I was almost down I felt pain in my left wrist. I immediately let go and held my wrist. my sister said " hey Sadie didn't the doctor tell you to not put too much pressure on you wrist."

I nodded then she continued " I got it from here you could go finish packing."

I went back to my room and sat on my bed. then I heard a knock on the door and I said " come in"

the door opened and my father came inside. he said " I will get your bags you just make sure that you have everything "

I smiled and then my dad left with my bags . I began to check around my room and when I made sure I got everything I went downstairs. when I got into the car I started to text Lucy and brad that I'm leaving and won't be able to speak to then till the next day. When I finished texting them I closed my eyes and feel asleep. I was awaking by the car stopping I opened my eyes and saw we were at the airport. we got all our stuff and went inside . we were on the plane and I had a window seat ya haha Ashley didn't get it this time . I then pulled my headphones out and put some music on and relaxed. I then was served supper which was a burger and watched a movie. after I was done I asked my father " dad where will we be leaving"

he said " oh I found this wonderful house , you will love it"

my dad said " in you room you have a walk in closet a tv and you own washroom oh and Ashley room is next to your " I knew my dad was just trying to make me happy. since I had to leave almost everything behind which includes my friends, dance team and gymnastic team. But I understood my father didn't want to stay here because it reminded him to much of my mom.

I said " wow cool"

my dad said " oh and we will be getting there at 10:30 at night Friday. so you will have the weekend before starting school." I replied " oh that very nice " I then turned my music higher and feel asleep
------ time skip -----
I woke up and saw my plane landing. when we were able to get up I got my things then headed put of the plane to my new home California.
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