• Feast 2 •

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Picture from cover: Qi holding the Pigeon Miraculous

Pigeon Qi sprinted down the empty hall, followed by PonyBug. It was time they join the fight again.

Suddenly the walls began to rumble. Qi stopped in his tracks and held up a hand, signaling PonyBug to also stop.
"Do you hear that?" he whispered. The rumbling got louder and louder as the ground began to shake.

PonyBug's eyes widened when she realized why.
"M- Qi! Watch out!" She tackled him to the ground just as the wall beside them crashed down. Feast leaped through, destroying everything in his path and consuming all the Miraculous he came upon. Fortunately, he didn't seem to notice PonyBug and the Pigeon in the cloud of dust he'd created. "Qi," PonyBug coughed, "are you okay?"
A sharp icy wind came in through the huge hole in the wall. Snow and dust blew everywhere as more guardians leaped into the hall, following Feast. He continued down the hall where PonyBug and Qi had come, ignoring the attacks of the Guardians. It was like he had no weakness.

"I'm fine Ladybug, really," Qi choked, struggling to stand up. PonyBug helped him get back on his feet. The two of them climbed over the debris to get face-to-face with Feast, with PonyBug supporting Qi all the way.

"Are you ready?" PonyBug asked when they'd gotten to the other side.

Qi nodded. "Homeward!" he shouted, activating the Pigeon's power. The compass in his hand glowed as the red needle began to spin uncontrollably. In a blur, a black button appeared at the center of the compass and the needle slowed to a stop.

"Miraculous!!!" Feast growled from the end of the hall.

Qi held his the compass steady, parallel to the ground. He turned it so that the needle pointed away from them and toward the sentimonster, who hadn't stopped gobbling everything he'd come upon.
Qi pressed the black button on the compass, and a white beam of light shot out from the end of the needle. It struck Feast straight on his side, and a ripple of white spread over him a moment before receding to one point. The white light came off of him and transformed into a small silver ring. It fell to the ground.
Feast paused, disoriented and confused. He didn't know what hit him. He shrugged it off and continued his Miraculous rampage.

PonyBug used her yo-yo to retrieve the ring from a distance.
"What's this?" she asked Qi, holding it up to get a closer look. It was just a plain old silver ring, with no gem or inscription. Strange.

"That is what the sentimonster came from," Qi explained, holding out his hand. PonyBug gave the ring to him. "The item with the amok is a silver ring," he clarified. "And I can do this," Qi touched the ring to his compass, and the ring became the white energy that it was before. It was absorbed back into the compass, and the needle went crazy once again. This time, however, when it stopped spinning, it pointed in the opposite direction. "The compass now directs me to the location of that item!" Qi declared.

"That's awesome!" PonyBug began climbing back over the wall of debris in the direction the needle was pointing, but stopped when she realized Qi didn't follow her. "Qi? Are you okay?"

"I'm too weak to climb over that," he grunted. "I'm five hundred sixty years old, two hundred years wasted in the belly of the sentimonster. You'll have to go on your own," he said, tossing the compass up toward PonyBug.

She caught it and nodded. "Okay, I won't let you down." Her eyes spoke confidence, but on the inside she was terrified. She was likely going to have to battle Hawk Moth or Mayura, alone.
PonyBug took a deep breath to calm herself down a bit before finishing the climb to the other side of the hall. She ran as fast as she could, keeping her eyes trained on the compass, following where it pointed. She found her way out of the building and looked across the courtyard. The red needle pointed directly to the northwest hall.

A Miraculous Story Book 1: Verity QueenWhere stories live. Discover now