• Feast •

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Picture from cover: Feast 2.0, the amokized Graham de Vanily ring, and the amok.

"It's Feast, he's back."

Marinette's eyes widened. "What?? What do you mean, Feast is back?" she asked the voice in her head.

"I don't know, Ladybug, but you need to come to the Guardians' Temple now, using the Horse Miraculous," Qi said.

"Should I get Cat Noir?"

"No, there's no time, just hurry!"

Marinette focused herself back into the real world. The men hadn't taken any notice and were chatting away heartily, father to son, but her mother was looking at her, eyebrows furrowed.
Are you okay? Sabine mouthed to her daughter, to not disturb the conversation.

Marinette stood. "I am so sorry! I forgot I actually do need to go to Alya's today! I'll be back as soon as I can!" She ran out of the living room.

"Marinette, but your grandfather-" Sabine began.

"I'm sorry mom! This is super important... project-y stuff!" Marinette shouted as she ran up the stairs to her room, skipping steps.

"Didn't you say you had nothing to do with her today?"

"I forgot that I planned this!" Marinette rushed to her dresser and opened the drawer where the Miracle Box was stored. She opened the box and picked out the folded pair of glasses, representing the Horse.

"But—" Sabine began, but Rolland placed a hand on her arm.

"It's okay, Marinette is growing up," he said, reassuring her. "I understand."

Sabine frowned. "No, it's not okay! We were going to spend time together as a family! No interruptions!" She stood to go after her daughter, but Tom stopped her.

"Hun, you should spend time with your father-in-law too, you know," he said.

Sabine nodded, took a deep breath, and sat, just as Marinette flew back down the stairs with her small purse.

"I'm so sorry again," she apologized as she made her way to the door, "I totally forgot, I'll be back as soon as I can!" The door slammed shut behind her, leaving the three adults to talk amongst themselves.

"How are you talking to me?" was the first thing Marinette asked the voice when she closed the door. She immediately began running down the stairs down to the first floor.

"I quickly grabbed the Moonfish Miraculous to contact you the moment Feast appeared, thankfully it worked," Qi responded.

"Marinette, what're you doing?" Tikki flew out of her coat. "Why are you leaving with the Horse Miraculous?" she asked as Marinette put on the glasses. Kaalki appeared in a rush.

"What is going on?" she brayed, confused.

"No time to explain, Tikki, but we gotta transform! Spots On!" Tikki transformed Marinette, who didn't even stop running. Ladybug burst out the back door of the bakery, Kaalki behind her.
"Tikki, Kaalki, unify!"
Marinette combined the two kwamis. 5 green dots appeared along the bottom of the right lens of the glasses as Kaalki entered it, and Marinette transformed yet again. She now had brown shoulder pads and a horseshoe as a tool attached to her back. Her forearms, hands, calves, and feet became brown with white spots, and her hair was styled into a ponytail. She called herself PonyBug.
"Voyage!" she shouted, creating a wide circular motion with her hand. White energy circled around her body, and as she stretched out her right arm, it swirled down it and manifested in a green ring around her wrist. She focused on the Temple of the Guardians for a second before flinging the ring off her hand. It widened and created a portal that led straight to her destination. She ran through as the portal closed behind her. There was no going back.

A Miraculous Story Book 1: Verity QueenWhere stories live. Discover now