Forty-Nine: Broken

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"I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling in the world is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself."

- Elena Gilbert

My bare feet slapped against the frozen ground as they led me out to the middle of the courtyard. Despite the mass amount of royals and townsfolk that had gathered to watch my punishment, I held my head high. The collar clenched tight around my throat as my eyesight shifted, the yellow of my iris itching across my face. I wore only a simple shift and a pair of lower undergarments, which were no doubt very see-through in the harsh lamplight. My heart pounded like a drum throughout my rib cage as the guards at my back led me towards the twin stone posts rising high into the sky. I wondered why I'd never noticed them before, until now. My steps faltered as I glanced around, meeting Vienna's sightless gaze. Her lips moved purposely, slowly, enunciating each word carefully.

Long live the queen.

I swallowed as the sentence pieced together in my mind, switching my gaze to the stoic woman beside her. Elizabeth's black eyes bore into mine, so full of rage pain at the events about to occur. Keeping my gaze on her, I didn't make a sound as the High Queen's guards wrenched my hands above my head, locking my wrists into the silver clips at each pole. My ankles were also chained, the cold metal biting unforgivingly into my skin. My lips twitched into a snarl as they ripped my shirt down the middle of my back, the chill in the air calling to my wolf. I forced her back, intent on staying alive and human for this public display of humiliation. My long hair was plastered to my neck and face as I bowed my head, muscles clenching in preparation, although as the High Queen's voice rang through the air, I couldn't resist listening.

"This creature is not one of us. She has been allowed to roam the castle grounds freely, even fight with our elite guard. Have we forgotten what these dogs have put our people through? Have we forgotten the pain her rebel forces have put us through?" She did not yell, but her voice projected easily through the crowd. Her words were the poison they drank eagerly indulged in. I fought the urge to yell out my own injustices, since this woman was the one behind my kind's near annihilation, behind my mother's pain. "Even now, the rebel king is preparing his forces, preparing to strike us down. Your queen has become too lenient, allowing this mongrel to infiltrate our palace, dine with us, and train with us. Does she care nothing for your safety?" The murmurs grew to angry shouts, demanding justice for those lost at the High Queen's hand.

Blood ran into my mouth as I tried to control my anger, my muscles shaking with the effort of holding my wolf back. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pictured my brother's face, my mother's face. I pictured the faces of every dormant wolf that lived in fear as they hid away, wishing for freedom. I reminded myself why I was going to allow this torture, because I was the Queen Wolf. What good was I if I couldn't face the punishment every enslaved human and wolf had been subjected to? Elizabeth's smiling face flooded my thoughts, exploding a range of colors and feelings through my mind, reminding me again of why this was necessary. This public display would prove to the high Queen that I was nothing to Elizabeth, other than a personal assassin. It was better that these people hate me for being a rebel supporter and the only wolf-shifter left, than them knowing the truth, that I was the wolf king's daughter, next in line for the throne. I would endure this for my people, so that one day they wont have to. Raising my head, my gaze found Elizabeth's. Bright gold shone back at me, illuminating the pride flowing through our bond. It was too risky for us to speak through our bond, but I knew what she wanted to say. I always knew.

The Queen's Slave (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant