Twenty-Nine: Into the Frying Pan

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"A fool's lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating. A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul."

Proverbs 18:6-7

"My lady, I pledge my life to yours, my sword is yours to command." I watched as the soldier knelt, his blade laid flat upon his hands as he raised them up, presenting the shining metal to the Queen. I fought the urge to curl my lip in distain, a high-pitched whine escaping my throat as I raised my head, yawning, opening my jaws wide. Whispers broke out across the room as my mouth snapped shut, a low rumble vibrating through my chest. My wolf and I were in agreement, evidently we didn't like being the center of attention.

This pledging ceremony of the new recruits had gone on long enough. I needed to hunt.

"Soon. Now, please stop distracting my men." Elizabeth's voice drawled, amusement coloring her otherwise indifferent words.

I huffed, my fur bristling as I turned my yellowed gaze towards the few hundred groups of terrified troops. Their curious gazes flicked back and forth between me and Elizabeth, eyeing the thick silver collar at my throat, then to the chain that ran through the ring at the center, bolting me to the floor. As humiliating as it was, the offending metal was just for show. They definitely had to pin me down to get in on, my wolf was not having it. Even now, my body thrummed with anger and hurt towards our mate.

Xavier met my gaze with a cautious one, his eyes perusing my lupine body with barely concealed wonder. I rolled my eyes at him, earning a chuckle as I laid my head down on my paws. I faded in and out of consciousness for the remainder of the "knighting", only rousing when a peculiar scent caught my attention.

My ears flattened as my nostrils worked, inhaling the spicy yet sweet scent as it wafted into the grand room along with a woman that could only be described as Elizabeth's twin, flanked by two guards. Her strikingly red hair was pulled up into a high bun, and the moss-green dress she wore presented her curves and strikingly flawless Italian skin exquisitely. Amber eyes winked at me in the light, her dark gaze trailing over my form with barely concealed disgust. My earlier infatuation faded as I quickly caught onto her subtle air of snobbery. My chest rumbled with a warning growl as she met my eyes, holding my gaze for a long moment before looking away.

"Natasha." Elizabeth's voice held no emotion as she eyed the mysterious woman. 

"Elizabeth." The vampire smiled, the tips of her fangs exposed. My growl grew louder at her blantant disrespect of her queen. She ignored me, too focused on Elizabeth to care. "When I heard my older sister had captured the last wolf born, I decided to come visit. I must say, the beast is quite captivating."

The heavy chains pulled at my neck as I stood, my fur bristling as I lowered my head, feeling my lips peel back. Elizabeth's quiet chuckle reverberated through my mind as she sent waves of soothing warmth my way. "Natasha, Adira can understand you, even in her wolf form. I suggest you take care with your words, the collar is just for show."

A shocked gasp rebounded around the room, and many of the soldiers eyed me with more fear, now that they knew I wasn't truly bound. To prove a point, I jerked my neck up, putting just the right amount of force into the action. The chain snapped like a twig, the collar clattering loudly to the floor. I ignored the startled gasps of fear and shook the thick ruff at my neck.

"Adira." Elizabeth called, motioning for me. "Come here." In her hands she held a silky fabric, pearly beads attached to the ends. It was almost identically similar to the dress I wore the night Raror nearly had his way with me. I balked, turning on her with a low snarl, my shoulders rolling with the tense action. The whispers in the room grew louder at my blatant defiance.

"How can you ask me to wear that?" I demanded, hurt. Her eyebrows rose at me for a moment as she looked down at the fabric, a frown marring her features. Dawning comprehension fanned across her features, and immediately she called for a guard. "Bring me a robe." She ordered, tossing the dress at him.

The guard, who couldn't be but a few years older than me, stuttered out a "yes milady" before hurrying off. Elizabeth's molten gaze met mine, blank, safe for a flicker of apology as the emotion crossed her face.

"I realize I have made a mistake, but I need you to cease your snarling. My sister is my mother's most trusted adviser, she cannot know the depth of my feelings for you."

After a moment of tense silence I forced myself to calm, lowering my fur and reclaiming my spot in front of the throne. I sprawled myself across the steps, content with licking the old blood from my paws as I feigned ignorance.

Natasha laughed. "Quite a spirited one, isn't she? I am surprised you let her roam so freely. Are you not concerned with mutiny?"

Elizabeth's low laugh made me tense. "Mutiny? The girl is practically broken. Admittedly I have some work to do with her wolf, but the girl, she's all mine." Flashes of our passionate affair in the woods crossed my mind, familiar heat building in my chest at the memory of her soft touches and loving words. She was right, I definitely was hers.

"Hmm. I think I would very much like to meet the girl beneath the wolf's fur. And, might I add, so would mother. She is quite pleased that you managed to capture one, let alone the last."

I doubted anyone else would've been able to pick up the subtle inquiry to Elizabeth's voice as she spoke, attempting to figure out the purpose of her sister's visit. "Are you arranging mother's travel here? I must have the palace prepared, I am afraid it is in rather chaotic condition."

A feeling of intense relief poured over our bond as Natasha scoffed, as if the idea that her mother would come here was ridiculous. "Mother? No. I bring news of Elijah."

I paused my licking as Elizabeth's relief turned to shock, wondering who this "Elijah" was.

"Elijah? What of him?"

Natasha's smile turned chillingly cold. "It seems our dear brother has found a weakness in the rebel forces after all."

I had to fight to keep my composure as her words registered with my mind. The rebels? Fear for my family coursed strongly through my veins, my heart thumped almost painfully in my chest. Elizabeth's voice sounded muffled and I suspected from the tone of it that she was gritting her teeth.

"Elijah has been gone for nearly fifteen years, Natasha. What are you saying?" 

Natasha's cold gaze met mine, a sinister expression settling upon the contours of her face. "It means, dear sister, that our little brother is coming home."


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