Fourteen: Liar, Liar

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"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."

-Romans 12:19

"Do you ever wonder why your wolf reacts the way it does, around me?" I could feel my canines descend further, almost cutting into my bottom lip.

"I know why." My voice was guttural, not quite wolf, not quite human. Something in between. I could feel the presence of my counterpart winding around my veins and pumping through my system. The oily, thick sludge that had plagued me for the past fifteen years was now something else entirely. "It's because you're a vampire, and I am made to kill vampires."

She cocked her head, her eyes scanning my face. I could assume what she saw. My fingers were clenched into fists as I fought to keep the change at bay, my blue eyes ringed in yellow. "Perhaps, but that wouldn't quite make sense, because if that's true, your wolf would have taken me out the second I freed you the first time."

My mind shied away from the memories of that night. It had been weeks, but that didn't ease the horror of what I did and nearly faced. I didn't like where she was going with this. "My wolf and I are not separate entities. She is as much me as I am her. However, sometimes my animalistic qualities overpower my basic human urges. I am drawn to you because my wolf knows we are enemies. Everyone knows you murdered nearly the last of my kind." I spit the words at her, feeling my animosity rise. The vein at her neck throbbed, catching my attention and abating my rage only slightly.

A dry, humorless smile crossed her face. "Yes, the rumors are true. I murdered thousands of your kind. Women, men, children. I spared no one. No, petit loup, I think your wolf desires me. I think you desire me. I do not wish to corrupt that desire, but I do believe it is useful. And for that, I give you your first assignment."

Her words hung in the air as I watched her hand rise towards her neck, one sharp nail sunk into her throat, dragging across her skin. My nostrils flared with her delicious scent as her blood spilled from the wound. The other inside me rammed against it's cage, demanding to be set free, demanding to.....make her see.

"If what you say is true, then tonight you will have your revenge for all those lives I took. If you kill me, you'll die soon after. So, I want you to lose control. I want to see if you'll stop." Her voice was low, an undercurrent of desire sparking through her accent.

"You want me to try and kill you?" My brows rose as my voice filled with shock. She assumed I planned to act revenge for my fallen kindred, which, admittedly she isn't wrong. But my opinion and feelings towards her had changed over the months I'd been held here. I no longer believed she was the sole mind behind these murders. Of course, I could be wrong. There was still much of her I have yet to see. It could all be some elaborate plan of hers to cause me to fall for her so that I would be.....willingly at her mercy. But even as these red-flags blew through my mind, I couldn't deny the curiosity I felt.

Her eyes were unwavering where they held mine, a slow smile parting her full lips. "Let me show you what power my blood holds." She leaned her head away, baring her neck to me.

Every instinct in my screamed to lurch forward and bury my fangs in her neck, to take what was mine. But she wasn't really mine. I couldn't be mated to a vampire, especially not the queen. It would be murder for me and suicide for both of us. "No." I snarled. I forced myself to stand, turning away from her.

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