Seven: Fear

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There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

-1st John 4:18

I didn't back down from her as I stared directly into her eyes. My instincts screamed at me but I pushed them away, allowing my wolf to surface. I refused to show pain as the collar around my neck heated and clenched tightly, a warning to my rising temperament. A low growl fled my mouth as I fought my basic instincts to breathe. The collar clenched tighter, effectively cutting off my circulation.

The queen watched me, her eyes narrow with promise. "Will you comply?" I was so close to her that I could see each individual eyelash dip as she regarded me.

I peeled my lips back from my teeth and bared my teeth at her. In response, her fingers gripped my arms tighter, to the point of bruising the delicate skin. I winced, but otherwise remained indifferent. I refused to let her scare me into submission.

"Answer me." She snarled, her eyes flashing.

"Why don't you just make me, master." I sneered. "You already own my blood and body, what difference does it make if I give you my consent? In the end, you will take everything from me by force anyway, and I will be powerless to stop you."

She shook me roughly, jarring my arms and causing my head to smack against the wall. "The point is, chérie, that I desire your compliance. If you do not wish to be bathed, then I will dump you in the tub myself. I will not beat you into submission. You have much to learn about the way I rule, that much is true. Count this as your first lesson."

I stared at her in shock, my body limp as she suddenly hauled me over her shoulder. I'd fully expected her to rip the clothes off of my body and scrub my skin raw. In a few short, swift strides I was dropped into the bathtub. The hot water shocked my system as I came up sputtering. An amused smile fell across the Queen's full lips as she no doubt took in my "drowned rat" appearance.

She called for the two women we'd seen earlier, and they entered with hesitation steps. "Clean her up. If she resists in any way, have the guards help you." I could feel the blood draining my face as she spoke that last part. I vowed then and there that I would die before those guards laid their hands on me. Her black hair faded from view as she left, shutting the bathroom door behind her.

The blonde on the right spoke first, her head cocked as she surveyed me. "Not much to look at, is there? She's a bony little thing. Come on, let's get her out of those clothes."

A few hours later, I'd successfully undergone every torture known to womankind. I'd had just about every hair on my body plucked off, save for my hair and eyebrows, although they did those too. My hair was left long, falling down my back in soft waves. They'd decorated my eyelids with some sort of glittery substance, and my lashes with a coat of black ink that made them feel heavy.

I kept silent as they talked to each other, zoning out as the latest palace gossip was mentioned. After they'd done my hair and makeup, they dressed me in a beautiful pale blue fabric the same color as my eyes. The dress clung to what curves I did have, falling past my ankles to drag along the floor in a small train. The back was low cut, swooping just past the hollow of my back, while the front was only slightly more modest. If I turned the right way, you could catch a glimpse of the side of my breast. A mess of beads cascaded across my shoulders and down my back, holding the dress loosely to my frame.

I didn't miss how I wore no undergarments underneath, but thankfully the bottom half of the dress was more than enough coverage. The top had a built-in bodice that kept my breasts covered as well.

My feet were left bare, thankfully. I never did have good luck with shoes.

"There, at least now you resemble something of a lady." Emilee smiled at me as she finished assembling the dress, her mousy brown hair falling to her shoulders. "Well, if you ask me she looks like a mutt in a dress." Cara sneered, and I tamped down the urge to punch her in the throat.

When they were finished making sure I was ready, they led me down the hall. It wasn't long before we came to a black door. Emilee knocked, and a low voice answered. "Entrer."

The girls looked sideways at me before pushing the door open. As always, my eyes found the queen before anything else. She stood in front of a long window that overlooked one of the gardens. She was dressed in a beautiful emerald gown that glittered, her long hair was piled up in looping braids atop her head, drawing attention to the tall silver crown. She sipped a glass of something light in color, and for a split second I found myself envious of the drink.

I held my breath as she turned, her eyes taking me in from head to toe. "Leave us." She barked at the two women, who complied immediately, though Cara did throw me a look of hatred on her way out.

"Well, seems there is a woman underneath all that dirt and grime after all." I fought not to blush at her teasing tone.

"Do you know why I bought you?" She inquired as she stepped closer.

I frowned as I thought about the strange question. I assumed she'd bought me because I was the last wolf-born in existence, therefore giving her an upper hand. I voiced as much, and a pleased smile formed on her lips. "Very good, however that is not the only reason I chose you. You are two halves of a whole people. You speak for both the human and wolf side. This intrigued me. That, and the fact that you are so keen to resist me at every chance you get, only proves how right I was in my choice."

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to make sense of her words. "So, you bought me to use me as liaison for my people and the humans?"

She set her drink down on a nearby table and reached out, letting her fingers brush across the collar. A shiver fled down my spine at the soft contact. "Yes, but I also believe that we can work together, better each other in a way. I did not buy you as a way to abuse and throw away the last ally my kind may ever have. I bought you so that I could make you powerful, a force to be reckoned with."

My nostrils flared as she stepped closer, her head dipping down as she brushed her lips along my jaw. Her song called to me, a sweet melody that my blood boiled for. "Your blood is a powerful ally. I wish to earn your trust, earn your support, in order to gain that ally. In return, I promise that you will never want for anything. Should you refuse, you will return to the stables and live out your servitude there." She pulled back, allowing me to breathe.

A bitter smile formed on my lips as I considered her offer. "But I will never be your equal."

"I do not think that you could ever truly be my equal, ma chère. However, I intend to make you better. You will be by my side, fight for me, with me, as mine. It will not be easy. I will ask things of you that no other can have, and I will put you in situations that may insist you do things you do not want to do. But I will never allow harm to befall on you. "

My heart pumped loudly as she stared at me, her eyes full of a millennium of knowledge. I could hardly understand what she was saying of the roaring in my ears. For the first time since I got here, I found myself conflicted. It was so much easier when I thought of her as my just my master, but if what she says is true, and I accept her offer, I will have taken the first step in gaining my freedom.

Enjoy! 😻

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