Thirty One: Fall for Me

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"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

John 8:44

✨Song Inspiration: Reforget By Lauv ✨

My stomach was in my throat as we walked towards the training fields Xavier had instructed me to meet him at. I cast a sidelong glance at Elizabeth, but her jaw was locked and her stride determined. I didn't know what to say or do to alleviate her anger with me. In my mind, I had made the right choice in keeping my secrets. Mate or not, she has not earned my trust. These secrets were bigger than our mate-bond. The dependency and future of an entire race rested upon my shoulders and I was not about to give it up.

Our kingdom had splintered as the war raged on and it became apparent that the vampires were winning, and our wolves diminishing. The king broke off, forming a small group of "rebels", mainly members of the council that had not been eradicated or had decided to flee. As the decades past, my father was no longer known as the Wolf King, but a fearless, determined, leader that hated vampires with every fiber of his being. A right he was very much privy to, since the High Queen, Elizabeth's mother, sent her soldiers to torture and then murder my mother. She died protecting my twin and I.

Killing vampires wasn't just in my genetic makeup as a wolf, it was my legacy as future queen of my race. I refused to cower from it any longer.

With my chin held high, I strode into the clearing. I decided then and there that I would not cower as a beat dog. I would not agonize over my mate any longer. It has been months and she has not opened up to me, has not allowed me to be a part of her. I was strong with and without her, and today I would further prove that. There was already a crowd gathered around the circle, as it was not far from town. Their watchful eyes scanning us from head to toe, whispers breaking out among the sea of faces. Apparently it was no small thing to watch the queen train with her "battle" wolf.

Xavier stood in the center, a bow staff carved of deep mahogany wood stuck into the ground in front of him, his hands resting on top of the flat surface as he leaned forward. His eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Well well, isn't this a treat." He drawled sarcastically.

Elizabeth glowered at him. "Don't start with me."

Even I had to balk at the pure venom in her tone. Yikes, the anger is real.

My wolf rose up as her head snapped around, her eyes fading into a depthless black. I growled, allowing the sound to vibrate through my chest. My gums ached, welcoming the pain blossoming along my upper jaw as my incisors lengthened. Blood filled my mouth. Baring my teeth in a crimson grin, I rolled my neck and shoulders, releasing the tension.

You wanted to play dirty, I'll give you dirty. I sent the thought through our bond, loading it with anger and past hurt.

For a split second, an unreadable emotion flickered across her face, but then it was gone and all that was left was her demon staring back at me. Elizabeth grinned at the threat, her unreasonably long fangs glistening in the early light. It was a terrifying expression coupled with her endlessly black eyes. I probably should decide on what flowers I wanted for my funeral, because I was pretty sure I wasn't going to survive this fight.

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