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Helen and Rachel are off doing something. They have the girls with them. Rachel is our co-conspirator in creating a privacy zone, although I imagine it is not hurting her feelings to be with only Helen and the kids. Rachel loves being a parent. She loves her alone time with Helen.

Jessica sat on the bed, a semi-circle of papers about her. Probably various properties that needed taxes paid, but as different people. All the trivia of being a Vampire that sucks so hard.

There are Vampire accountants that take care of these kinds of things. Helen has a fleet of them. Jessica likes to do it all herself.

Morgan and I walked in and stood by the bed quietly.

Jessica looked up when we did not say anything. "Something up?" she asked.

By pre-agreement Morgan has the lead on Operation: Seduce Jessica. "May we speak with you?" She asked, very respectfully. Morgans' tone instantly set Jessica to worrying.

"What is wrong?" She asked, concerned

"We need you." Morgan said, simply.

"For what? What's up?" Jessica asked again, looked at me.

"We need you" I repeated. This part is a bit scripted, but we wanted an opener. Simple. To the point.

Jessica narrowed her eyes, then collected the papers into stacks and handed them to me "Put these on the dresser, please?" she asked. I did.

"Now. Sit here. Explain." Jessica said, patting the bed.

"Now that the drama of Tommy is over, and it is unlikely that the council will be assigning a new Probation to us any time soon, we need you. We have a proposal regarding the rule about a week per spousal pair. I am pregnant, and you know what that means in terms of separation. So: We would like to go away. Three weeks. Not all at the same time of course. Three places. The three of us. It is not a letter of the law interpretation of the rule, it is something I am asking you to consider so that you can be with Adrian in a much more exclusive way. He is your love. Please consider this as a one-time thing. I know you need real one on one time with him. I cannot be without him right now either. It. It is horrible. I hate it. I hate everything about this other than at the end of it, I will have a child. I am not me: I am not in control. You know what I am going through." Morgan was nearly pleading at the end. Not quite.

Jessica looked in an expressionless way at Morgan for a while. I was a little afraid of her lack of response. I need not have worried. It's Jessica.

"I know what it cost you to ask me that, Morgan. I accept. I have a suggestion and a request."

"Please." Morgan asked

"Suggestion is this. I would like to go to the Santa Fe Ski lodge. Adrian knows it. Spend a week there. We have not been back since the time we figured out he was turning. For the third week of this, I propose we spend the entire week on the Nightwing. It is where this all started. Middle week: Open for ideas. Not France. Perhaps a new place to make new memories."

"Whale watching trip? Banff? Niagara Falls? Something like that?" I asked.

"I like all of those. We'll discuss it. My request: It's not about Adrian, it is about you and me, Morgan."

"Oh?" Morgan was surprised.

"I proposed to you when I was insanely worried about Adrian. I apologized. I take that back the apology utterly. I realized since then that I proposed to YOU because I care very deeply about you. Not in a sexual way, necessarily, although I have utterly enjoyed sex with you. I will not lie. Surprising, but true. One of these weeks is the week you and I are supposed to be alone together. I want us to spread that out over the three weeks, but I want time with only you, not this boy we both love so much."

"Oh. I would like that very, very much." Morgan agreed.

Jessica looked at me. "You, I know, my dearest heart, will do everything in your power to make sure that I have been made love to till my toes curl. My desire for you has never lessened as our family has grown, and I know as only one other woman on the earth knows that Morgan needs you, but I need you too. Never ever for one solitary second think that by me being willing to share you, with Helen back then, or with Morgan right now, that I want you any less."

"I never thought that, but I sometimes get too damn busy to show you" I answered.

"Because you are in the middle of everything, these days. I cannot wait to get you away from parolees, crew, Sirens plus Rachel and Helen and Diana and little Rachel, and have you almost to myself. The one I am sharing you with is a female you sometimes, but with better boobs."

"If she is like me, then why have we never been to ComicCon with her?" I asked

"Oh. She'll be Supergirl. She is the perfect shape. I'd have to be more Power Girl or something. I can't wait to see a blonde wig on her. That will be fun." Jessica enthused, and we both looked Morgan over appraisingly.

"Hmmm" Morgan said, looked back and wondering what she just got herself into.

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