We Got Beer in Vancouver, Man!

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When Jessica and I proposed to Helen, we told her we were not asking her to change. Only to commit to us as well. Rachel, Holly, and anyone else Helen wants to be with is HER business. It is also not as if either of us really has any say, but Helen agreed. Rachel is part of the family when she is in town. She is my best female friend and we have been through a lot together.

Holly is another story.

The little bar is exactly as Jessica and I remember it. We found this place when we were trying to deal with the Siren problem named Arnold, and needed an out of the way place to meet. Here is where we met Holly, and here she is still. Helen has continued seeing Holly on and off since then, but not Jessica or me.

Morgan has never been here. "I would remember" she assured us. We were teasing her that maybe she was just too drunk to remember.

"Are you SURE, Morgan? Because you drank so much once you did not remember sucking on my boobs." Jessica pointed out to Morgan.

"That is drunk." I chimed in.

Morgan, seeing she is on the low side of a standard Poly pile-on, said "If I was here, and I was that drunk, then EVERYONE here will remember me. They might still be recovering. Grown men would have been laying on the floor crying when I left. Their underwear still spinning on the ceiling fans."

"Dah-yum" Jessica drawled.

"You remember what I was like when we got married. Imagine that level of my need unleashed on a roomful of unsuspecting humans. There will be posters up, songs written, and my picture hung in the men's room. Possibly over a little shelf for candles to be lit every evening between ten and eleven PM, to commemorate when the last man fell." Morgan continued.

It's hard to tease Morgan.

Holly saw the five of us come in, and her eyes lit upon Helen with delight. Holly is mostly into men, but she is willing to have a fling when the circumstances dictate. Say, men are being assholes, and Helen walks into the bar looking for love.

Helen, I am sure, rocks Holly's world.

Holly looks the same to me, right down to the sprayed-on jeans and denim vest with nothing under it but Holly.

Holly scooted out from behind the bar and went directly into Helen's waiting arms.

"Darlin'! I missed your cute little ass. You look great!" Holly enthused. Holly patted said derriere.

"Hello, Darling. How are you?" Helen hugged her back. Patted denim-covered tush right on back.

"Better, now that I see you here again!" Holly scolded.

"Holly, you remember Jessica. And Adrian." Helen indicated us in turn.

"Oh, hell yes. He is the great smelling dude I can't ever seem to forget, and she is the total hottie that owns his ass. How are you all? Good to see ya!"

Jessica smiled and told her "Yes, well, not totally. I have to share him with Helen now. She makes me."

Holly looked wide-eyed back at Helen. "Aww, Honey! No wonder I ain't seen as much of you lately! I get it: He's a cutie, but I am too! We can share."

"Hi, Holly. Good to see you again." I told her.

Holly gave me a thousand watts of lechery. "And you too, you fuckin' stud muffin. I knew you smelled good."

Holly sidled over and gave me a side hug. She sniffed "You ain't wearing that cologne no more. Still, you do smell nice."

Holly is referring to the fact that I did not have complete control of my very young pheromones when I was last here. They are much more powerful and absolutely under control now.

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