Family Fight

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When Storm came to Emma was cry and Koa had been hid first thought was 'Nashi' he boted up right from the floor.

"Nashi" he shouted.

"She is okay in the fact she won't die but needs medical help" Metalicana said from the other cell.

Metalicana attention was caught at Koa saying "when did you grab some keys?" Hearing keys rattle.

"When I sliced the man's leg open I grabbed the dead man's keys" storm said nonchalantly.

Storm freed himself than felt for  his friends  locks and than they soon found the cell door for Storm to unlock.

his friends in his cell and than unlocked the door of their cell and Emma led them through the dark room to Nashi and Metalicana cell. Using emma nose they found Nashi on the ground after opening the cell door. Once nashi was free Storm handed the keys to Metalicana and he freed himself while Storm hugged the still unconscious Nashi no to hard  being careful of her neck.

Whick was when the door to the cells room burst open flying off it hinges and the fire fir a brief second light up the room to locate them all.

"Over here hurry Nashi throat was cut and she kicked in the head?" All four kids shouted and Natsu, Lucy and Wendy raced over to the cell. Natsu how hekd his had a flame for light so Wendy could look at Nashi undoing the gage causing some blood to seep out again. Wend immediately was using her healing magic to stop the bleeding and close the wound as Lucy burst in to tears. Natsu held Lucy and firmly said "don't worry Lucy well make them pay".

"Storm got the man who hurt Nashi he used his chains to choke the man to death" Koa said.

Natsu slapped Storm on his back saying "great job".

"Its all my fault she hurt though" emma said still crying wanting to hug her best friend.

"What do you mean there is no way you get Nashi hurt?" Lucy sniffled.

Emma explained what happened Lucy let go of Natsu and hugged emma saying "Emma she likly saw the blade and reacted to protect you being for being chained up you did the best you could to make the man stop groping you. So you are not to blame in this. You defended your self and Nashi defended you. That is what happened you did nothing wrong".

Once wendy was finished Emma was the first to grab Nashi to hug her when wendy said "I'm finished she will be okay but needs to take it easy being the kick to her hear gave her an hair line fracture to her skull that will take some time to heel. She needs to be cautious until its healed or it get worse as the reasult of this I kept her asleep I will wake her up at the guild once back so she will need to be carried."

"I will do it" storm said moving to take Nashi but Lucy called virgo.

"Gate of the maiden, I open thee virgo" an bell was heard and virgi appeared "princess is it time for punishment?"

Lucy face palmed "for the millionth time I'm not punishing you ever." Than sighed "however I need you to carry and protect  Nashi until we get out of here while the rest of us fight to make way. "

"Yes princess" virgo said taking Nashi from Emma easily picking her up in her arms. As wendy looked over all the other kids healing knife cuts, wipe lashes and the other majority injuries from being tortured to make their fighting easier. It was than Gajeel team showed up.

"Mom, dad" Emma and Metalicana said in union and ran to them along with juvia spotting Storm and cried "Storm-sama jive was so worried and was hugging him before he even got up to move.

"Hay flame brain what happened to the call huh?" Gajeel said firmly.

"My daughter was injured she has her throat cut i was focused on her. I would have as we left metel head" natsu said.

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