Choices of the future

Start from the beginning

"Hey" Liam whispered bitting his lip, "I have a question."

"What is it babe?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows.

"I know this may be a little quick and all that, but I have been talking to management and well, umm, I sorta talked them into letting you travel with us more or less" Liam mumbled out hesitantly jumbling on his words.

I sat there in shock, "of course I do! ooh my god yes!"

"Are you sure? I don't want you to make any rash decisions" Liam questioned.

"Shut up you dicks!" Seirra yelled sending us a glare.

Corey's POV

"Shit" I mumbled staring into the clear pool, "how the hell did you get him in here? Even better how'd he not get flushed down stream?"

The blond 'broad', as straight guys would call her, who headed the fish section answered, "well both of those questions aren't very easy to answer. We aren't very sure how he, or the other three, made it through the blast and turret of water that would have pushed them downstream or why they stayed. My personal assumption is that, sense we found them by the window, that the four of them were over by the window and naturally stayed there as it provided shelter from the rushing current. We only managed to scoop them up by first bringing a net in front of the gap blocking their escape and went through many failed tries before someone, I think it was Ian, jumped in which caused your big boy here to charge and we scooped him up, put him on the stretcher and placed him in here. The others were just a matter of time before we got them."

"Wow" I said surprised, bending down and slapping the water, "I'm just glad he's okay."

A dark brown shape turned from its normal swimming pattern and headed straight to me, it turned to its side, silver scales shimmering in the light, a wave moving in its wake, "amazing how he knows and interacts with you."

"Well I've known Albrone ever sense we were just little things and I guess we just formed a connection" I shrugged sticking my hand in the water, "I can read him and he can me read me, I can see his little tells that let's me know whether he's hungry, angry, ect. Like did he twitch a little before charging and was it a straight charge or did he circle a little and swam in a zig zag formation?"

She wrote something on her clip board, "he did the first one, how did you know?"

I laughed as I played with the large fish, pushing him away and letting him chase my hand much like a small puppy would, "I knew that he was either in an aggressive state, which is more likely in that type of stressful situation, or playful. As suspected he was in an aggressive state, his territory was in complete chaos and he couldn't do anything about it so when an intruder is spotted he isn't going to playfully investigate like he usually does but full on attack like he was going to do to Ian. Most likely he would have rammed head first into his chest before biting hands, feet or anything that could fit in his mouth."

"Wow fascinating" she scribbled more stuff down, "what's his stance right now, I see him biting you, is that aggressive?"

I scoffed, yes I'm letting him bite me, "no he's cautiously playful. Imagine a puppy going to its mom in a new environment, he's still playful but is obviously cautious. If he was aggressive right now I would need stitches on my hand, he would have swallowed it and shook his head wildly ripping the flesh, they have teeth you know. When I first got here he was in his territorial state, even though he is in the tank with fish much smaller and that he has been with them he still feels that he should assert his dominance over the tank."

"Interesting, these fish in here are bite sized for him, they are only blue gill measuring up to two pounds at most, why doesn't he eat them?" She asked.

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