Echoing Cries

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Picture on the side is Luke if you imagine that guy a bit younger, with his 'universal' cocky smile!!

"Hold the tail god dammit!" I shouted as the large snake head twisted in my hand trying to bite me as we tried to lower it in the large plastic garbage bin. We were moving some of the more dangerous reptiles into storage incase the facility breaks so then we aren't held responsible for the release of giant poisonous animals.

"Lower him slowly boys, tail first" I instructed holding the head tightly pointing it away from the incoming hands and arms which slowly dropped the body into the bin.

"On the count of three. One, two, three" I quickly let go of the head pulling back as one of the helpers closed the bin with a thud. "Alright job guys, can I have one you tip tie this shut? Thanks."

I turned down the hall leading out of the building as the officers and zoo staff just helping me positioned the last of the barrels. It had been an arduous few hours moving the animals to safer grounds as people worked on damming the breach to hopefully stop the flooding. I had to check in with Barbra and some other officials before taking Georigie and Tom, who are currently in holding which Tom was pissed about bitting the officer shoving him in, home for the night before a long morning.

Wincing I pushed the door open ignoring the yelling and loud screeching of the lemurs which I believe they are moving as I pulled up my walkie talkie, "Barbra do you read me."

I released the button waiting for a response listening to the static, "Loud and clear Corey, what can I do for you?"

"I'm checking in before I head out, i really want to stay and assist but I'm completely wrecked which isn't a good idea in this type of work as you know" I took a sharp breath my leg suddenly pulsated in agony, "my facilities are complete and all I need to do is get my animals before heading out."

"Okay Corey that works just fine, they made a bridge at the west wing exit as the damage isn't as bad there so leave from there."



I sighed as I headed towards the holding pens which thankfully was on the way to this supposed bridge. Mentally I went through a checklist of things I'm going have to do when I get home, finding Luke and Seirra being on top of that list. Stepping out of the way of a yellow forklift racing down the path splashing me when it ran through the large puddle I had unwisely stood in front of, soaking me.

"Just fantastic, just got dry now I'm wet again." I stepped over the puddle and headed straight into the large building. Warmth quickly hit me as I entered which was followed by the mixed sounds of animals ranging from monkeys to birds. Knowing exactly were I was headed I expertly dodged oncoming staff and passing carts as i moved down the endless cage before stopping at T9 and T10 which Tom and Georgie had been placed in. I looked into the cages, Georgie was fast asleep roosting on a wooden post situated about 4 feet of the ground going across the width of the cage, Tom on the other hand was right in the corner by the door looking up at me in pure distaste for being imprisoned in such a rechid environment such as this.

I smirked at the sight of his face as usually its full of confidence and swagger dominating any room he entered even if he is just a goose, but now he held nothing besides animosity for being trapped when obviously he did nothing to deserve it. I grabbed the harnesses off the hook which was in between the two cages before opening the metal chain link door separating Tom and me.

"Your free of your little prison" I muttered reaching down and strapping him down in the harness before I went into to the next pen to get Georgie. I turned around heading out of Toms cage and opened up Georgies cage, who was know on the ground looking at me inquisitively, and strapped him in as well, "lets head out of here.'


My legs ached as I headed down the street towards my house, normally the walk to my house and the zoo wouldnt be a problem, but I dont normally nearly die, have to work several hours wrestling snakes and lizards, and I usually dont have to carry 35 pounds of bird as not only did I have to carry Georgie, but Tom had decided to make me carry him as well or let him sleep on the side of the road which isn't ideal when you have 13 pounds of peacock weiching down your shoulder.

I huffed in annoyance as I repositioned the tired bird in my arms as I passed Zach's house which they appeared to be all pilling in the car, god a car would be nice right now so my arms don't fucking fall of.

"Sierra get your ass out here now!" Wait, what? Why are they calling Seirra? Are they with them?

I stopped and watched and sure enough a girl came out of the brightly light house, which was now dimming with the lights being turned off, "I'm coming, I'm coming, calm your fucking tits."

I smiled, that was her alright, "Yeah Seirra better not keep your fucking boy toys waiting, you know how they get."

Seirra stopped in her tracks and looked at me as I stumbled into the light having difficulty with such a cumbersome amount of weight on me arranged in weird positions, "Ooh my god Corey!"

"The one and only honey" I replied placing Tom and Georgie on the ground sighing in relief from the lack of weight, just as soon as I looked up I was tackled.

"YOU FUCKING CUNT!" Seirra yelled as she clung onto me, "you had us all thinking you were dead!"

Zach's POV

I look out the window to see what the yelling is about and am shocked to see Seirra laying on top if Corey with Tom and Georgie on the grass beside them. I rushed out, emotions in a complete mix,"Corey!!"

"Get lost asshole he's mine right now Seirra growled smacking my hand" away as I reached down.

"Hey!" I said pissed that I was being denied.

Corey just laughed wrapping his arms around Seirra, "why are you here with these meanies darling?"

"Well the one with the freaky hair came and got Luke and I" Louis scoffed at this statement, everyone else had now gathered around the two on the ground, "and he was all like 'ooh my god Corey's dead' and we were like 'no way you little whore' and he was like 'yes way' and then I kicked him I the shin and then he lead us over here and we were like 'ooh my god he's gone' and I was like 'pssh no' but they wouldn't listen so then we just talked and I'm pretty sure Niall and Luke are going to date."

I cocked my head side ways slightly confused while Corey seemed to completely understand along with Luke as he was blushing wildly, "umm, no we aren't."

Seirra shot daggers at him, "this isn't a three way or an orgy for the matter, get lost."

"Ooh Seirra play nice with the dick wads and poor Lukey" Corey said pushing Seirra off him slightly to get up.

"I'm very confused" I said looking around at everyone go nodded in agreement.

"How are you alive?" Liam asked dumbfounded at his presence, "we saw you get hit in the head and fall into the water."

"Well unlike you assholes" Corey said standing up ignoring the new mud stains to his work clothes, "Tom here somehow kept me up and didn't leave me."

It suddenly sunk in and I hugged him tightly, "I'm just glad your okay."

"We all are" Harry said patting him on the back.

"Ye- ow!" Liam screamed.

I turned and chuckled as I saw Tom clutching onto his skinny jeans, "keep your mouth I my man!"

"You better shut up and don't push it as you both are getting more than that" Seirra said cracking her knuckles.

"What do you mean" I asked letting go of Corey and backing up.

"Ow! Get the fuck off!" Liam yelled flailing his leg to make the goose let go,which obviously didn't help at all.

"Stand down girl, for now" Corey said placing a hand on her shoulder and looking me in the eyes. He then walked forward and grabbed Tom who ripped a part off Liam's jeans off reviling a dark purple bruise on his leg in a U shape, "tell me why."
Sorry that it took so long but here it is. I don't have a clue how to dedicate this to people but I hope to figure it out as I really should be dedicating it to the girl that has been here sense day 1, you know who you are, thank you so much!!

The Boy Across The Lake (BoyxBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt