One or Another (Semi-important Authors note)

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Obviously the lovely lady above is Seirra!

Zach's POV

I bit my lip looking from Corey who was smirking and then to Liam who was paying no attention as he was focused on the new bruise on his leg. I knew exactly what he was getting at, he didn't want me to apologize, I've already done that and he's excepted that part of it, but there was two parts. He was testing me, my loyalty and if I changed, and it was all based on my performance. I needed to put my neck on the line a little by bringing my normal, not so nice self meaning that I may offend Liam or someone else.

"I'm sorry Corey, I truly am I should have been there for you when you needed me" I bit my lip before continuing, "I was hanging out with these 'dicks', as you are so fond of calling them, and we were having a blast when you called. Sense we just got in a fight and knowing you I thought you were just going to give me some more of your witty comments before we made up and me, being my self centered, sick self, wanted to play it out just a little bit longer so then you'd be all apologetic or some bull shit. As soon as. I found out I ditched these ass holes and came right to you."
He raised an eye brow, obviously not totally buying what I just said, he uncrossed his arms and motioned me to continue.

I sighed, "how badly?"

"Lets see how well you know me" He shrugged and yawned, "can we hurry this up, even the dead need to sleep."

I scratched the back of my head, "ooh and you have one strike, you do something wrong and I'm done."

I balled my hands in a fist and turned to Liam who was looking at me confused, I sent him an apologetic look along with Louis, Niall, Harry, and Zayn.

"You're a fucking dirty whore" I mumbled pointing at Liam causing him to gasp.

"You look like a druggy" I said pointing to Louis, he just quirked an eye brow and put his hands on his hips ready to fight.

"You are a male version of Ellen" I cautiously stated to Niall who didn't even react.

"You smell weird some days" Harry scoffed punching me in the shoulder.

I turned and looked at Corey, trying to read what to say, "and Zayn, you're his type."

Corey laughed leaning on Seirra as she looked around confused along with Luke, "now do you forgive me?"

"I already had, I just wanted to see how much of a douche bag I could get you to be" I blushed, "and let me say, very disappointing."

I turned to Liam and the others "sorry guys."

"What do you mean disappointing?" Liam asked, "those were pretty dicky things to say."

"Well it doesn't meet my standards" He replied as he composed himself and stopped leaning on Seirra, "once you tell a girl that you don't even know her vaginas so big and over used that crabs aren't the only thing that climb out of the sloshy mess which is her vagina, the things you counted as being a douche move aren't that bad anymore."

Seirra laughed, "I remember that, she was so mad and when you said that she had so many different parasites PETA wanted to make her vagina a national park!"

"Lets get off the topic" Louis said coughing a little.

"I'm just glad your okay" I said going forward and hugging him. It's been a while sense we were last around each other, never mind hugged, and I forgot how much shorter he was than me as he hugged me back his head only at my chin.

"Okay that's long enough" Liam said wedging his way between us, "I'm the one dating him here."

"You can't date when your dead" Corey said cracking his knuckles causing Liam to hide behind me.

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