Popcorn and Pain

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Harry and I waited patiently as we heard feet scramble around and muffled voices through the door.

"They must be very confused right now." I laughed to Harry who just shook his head in return.

The door was flung open to reveal a rather excited Niall.

"Hello? Ooh hey Zach!"

"Hey Niall, we," I motioned to Harry and I "Came over by canoe so that's why we're back here."

"Ooh makes sense." he laughed

"Where's Corey?"

"Ooh he sort of didn't want to come." I dragged on "So I invited my other friend Harry I hope that's okay..."

"Yeah it's fine come on in." Niall cheered and turned into the hall connecting the back door to the living room. The cabin was almost exactly how I left it which is sorta the stereotypical log cabin interior.

"Hey I was wondering who knocked." Liam said as we turned into the living room where the rest of the boys where standing around.

"Hey guys." I waved and stepped out of the way of Harry

"This is Harry I invited him since Corey was busy."

"Ooh... Well hi Harry we where waiting for you guys, but now that you're here we can start the party!" Liam said motioning to 4 pizza boxes and a couple of popcorn bags on the counter.

"Great, so what's the plan?" I asked

"Well we have a couple of movies we could watch and some pizza and stuff." Zayn stated with a shrug.

"Cool what movies?"

"Umm The Croods, Paranormal Activity and Jaws." Zayn said grabbing the cases and handing them to us.

"Choose which one to start with while we get set up."

Corey POV

"So much better." I mumbled as I finished filling the last of 15 fish tanks I've cleaned today. I grabbed the large storage bucket full of different cleaning materials I used, and out then out on the back porch to dry in the sun in the morning. I headed down the hall to the dodging tanks. I shut the back door behind myself as I poured the soaked sponges, hoses and other various other cleaning instruments on the grass by the porch.

"What the?" I stopped myself from grabbing the last sponge as I felt the hairs on my neck rise. Decided to finish and I reached for the last sponge which laid on some tall grass.

"ARRRG!!" I screeched as I felt two needle like objects stab deep into my finger causing my finger to seer in pain. I quickly stood up and clutched my burning finger as I noticed a small yellow tail flicker in the receding light before it disappeared into the grass.


Zach POV

"Liam!!!" I screeched as he jumped on me. All six of us were having a popcorn war started by Harry when he spilled popcorn in Niall's hair and things just escalated.

"Admit defeat." Liam said as he shoved popcorn into my face.

"I got you." I heard Harry's deep voice shout as I saw Liam being wretched off of me. I laughed as I saw both Harry and Liam wrestle on the floor trying to shove popcorn into the others face.

I felt my butt vibrate making me jump. I pulled out my phone which showed Corey's mud covered face, from when we were at my folks house, signifying he was calling me. I went to press answer before rethinking and hitting deny, deciding it couldn't possibly be an emergency.

I literally just finished watching a super sad movie... Alone in a dark basement... So I'm trying to stop crying (yes its very manly to cry after watching this movie) by listening to happy upbeat songs and writing this... It isn't working...


Omg this was a great chapter and I'm totally pissed that Zach ignored Corey (even though we kind of planned it that way...)

ANYWAY, Comment, vote whatever floats your boat (holy shit that rhymed lol) and see you guys next update!! xx

~ Michelle <3

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