Nothing gold can stay

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Corey's POV

It took me a second to thin of what he meant before it hit me, it was him. I was lost at what to do, par of me really wanted to just run out there and hug him to death, but the other half basically had me calling a hit on him, the noise wasn't helping either.

"Seirra wait" I stopped her as she headed to the door, "I've got a better idea."

I quickly jogged to the closet opening it, instantly junk fell to the floor. I blend down and rummaged through it looking for something very particular it wasn't until someone knocked again that I saw it and grabbed it.

"One minuet!" quickly I came up to town how was honking as loud as possible while bitting at the chords going to the curtains. I pulled the yellow harness on him as quickly as I could, nearly getting bit and hit in he face with a wing, before clipping on the matching leash and opening the door.

"Co- fuck!" some dude who was at the diner last night yelled in surprise jumping off the steps and onto the grass as Tom pulled with all his might to shred this 'monstrous intruder' face off.

I laughed inside while remaining straight faced, "five minuets then I let him go."

The boys eyes were glued to Tom as he bellowed at him while pulling hard against the harness. he had blue eyes a sharp playful face, well not right now but he had the looks for it, and feathery brown hair. "Ummm, ah, can you like not please."

"Your lucky that the others are locked up or else you'd be in big trouble." I wasn't lying, even though I didn't have any other geese but instead game chickens, Guinea fowl, pheasants and two peacocks who are at the zoo for a vets appointment they absolutely hated new people unless I was right next to them.

"Okay I'll be quick, Zach's waiting for you at that spot you two share or something. he said you'd know what I was talking about not get that monster away from me!" I did know what he was talking about.

"How do I know this isn't a set up?" I questioned stepping closer allowing Tom to go down the steps a few feet from were the guy still was on the ground.

"I don't know, bring that if you want!" he crawled a feet back.


"One, what?" he questioned face written in confusion.


His face filled with realization as he suddenly got up and started backing away, "come on you don't have to do this!"


I released the leash, Tom lurched forward and wobbled as quick as his puny legs could carry him. Realization only hit the stranger that he was lose until it was to late, Tom grabbed his pinky and shook his head. Yelping in pain he pulled away, but Tom wasn't having on of it only gripping on tighter and flapping open his 67 inch wings getting ready to beat the guy.

I smirked, I may not be able to beat someone up, but who said that I had to? Tom started to flap his wings furiously hitting him in the legs and arms repeatably, boy he was going to be bruised up. Finally he freed him self and bolted down the roads like hell the devil himself was after him, which the devil, Tom, was in all hissing anger.

"Back!" I sternly shouted knowing that if I didn't call him back he would follow him until he died. Once one of Zach's friend had decided to play a prank on me so at night he broke in using the window and well I found him up the tree in my front yard bruised, bleeding, and scared as all hell with Tom pacing around the bottom of the tree hissing and squawking mad that he had escaped his clutches.

"That was to funny!" Seirra laughed clutching her side as she walked out the door, "I'm so glad that you stopped me."

"He is to" I said motioning to Tom as he waddled, much like a penguin, up the steps appearing to be very pleased with himself.

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