wishing for the unwishable

70 5 6

Corey's POV

"Seirra calm down!" I said as she quickly walked around the room. "It's 6:59 there's nothing we can do so just chill." After Seirra had made the room 'flawless' and finished giving me a hospital make over, two nurses came in and 'completely ruined everything' as they made me shower and moved everything around.

"I want this to be special though, for you my little baby boy." She joked. I was always like a her little brother: adorable, innocent and always there.

"It's not like I'm actually going to do something important, I mean even if he was gay he would never choose me." I laughed at the thought.

"Just shut up Corey and let me continue to check over everthing, plus stop being such a downer and actually have hope for once!" She snapped without even turning to look at me, since she was straightening up the chairs.

"I can't help it I mean, my life always seems to go up a little and then down a lot. I think that this will be nothing but trouble and pain." I shuddered at the thought of even more pain then I already feel from both the snake bite yesterday and the emotional pain from losing Zach even if I did kick him to the curb.

"Honey, do us all a favor and shut up. All you're doing is putting yourself down, and causing me to want to slap you for being so dumb." Seirra said, sending me a glare as she moved on to the counter next to my bed.

"I still can't believe the timing on those nurses letting me do a whole bunch of work then undoing it as soon as I finished"

"That's life for you." i smirked.

There was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Kinler you have another visitor." A nurse said before moving out of the doorway, allowing Luke to step in. He changed so much over the few months that I was gone. His dark blond hair had grown a bit and the front was spiked in a quiff showing his light skin. Not only did his hair grow but it appeared that he himself grew taller and fitter as his tight blue shirt revealed.

"Corey?" He asked in an angelic voice.

"The one and only." I said trying my hardest to keep my mind on track.

"Are you okay?" He said rushing over to me and pulling me into a tight hug. Control yourself Corey, control yourself!

"Why didn't you call me!?"

I laughed as he pulled away and started inspecting me.

"I'm fine, I don't have your number so how was I supposed to call you?"

"Well now you do," Seirra said placing my phone down, and giving me a subtle wink. "You can thank me later."

"Hey Seirra, what's up?" Luke said turning away from me and towards her.

"Nothing besides being bored out of my mind in this stupid hospital, but I couldn't leave as I'm a good friend and would never ditch Corey. " she said and plopped down on to the foot of my bed. She frowned as she eyed Luke's still standing figure then turned towards me.

"Don't be rude Corey scoot over and let Luke sit down next to you!"

"Im fine I can sit in the chair." Luke said.

"Don't. Trust me, after like five minutes your back will be killing you, now Corey move!" She said gently kicking me with her right foot.

I scooted over making room for Luke, then gave him a small smile as he walked over.

"I don't bite I promise."

"I'm sure you don't, that snake on the other hand." He joked before plopping down right next to me as the bed was small.

"Yeah, at least the swelling is going down," I said looking at my finger which much to my surprise was nearly back to its normal size. "So what's new with you Luke?"

"Well let's see...nothing really. Only thing that's changed is my hair and figure honestly. You know, we've really missed you back home Corey." Luke said as he looked at me. Seirra bumped my arm and looked at her from the corner of my eye, holding in my groan as she wiggled her eyebrows. I smirked and purposely bumped her with my foot, making her lose balance and fall to the floor.

"Oops, sorry. I'm sure nobody misses me, you're just saying that to make me feel better."

"I most certainly am not, I actually was hanging out with Jack and we talked about you and how different it is without you." He said staring at me intently.

"Sure you were." I mumbled before changing the topic as Seirra shot me a glare as she climbed back up.

"So do you have a girlfriend?"

"Actually no, but I do have a small crush on someone." He said looking away from me hiding his obvious blush. I looked over at Seirra as she smirked widely and suggestively raised her eyebrows, what have I gotten myself into...

This is just a filler, but the next chapter will be more drama filled, I promise :) xx ~ Michelle <3

Well I'm not to fond of this chapter but its all leads up to a lot of drama and don't worry it'll be equally distributed!


The Boy Across The Lake (BoyxBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora