Chapter Three

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Your POV
"I just- call me back when you get this, and don't do anything stupid.
Well, nothing stupid you wouldn't do if I was there, ok?"
You met Sam's worried gaze as he hung up the phone.
He cleared his throat and started to say something but ended up shaking his head.
You were just as worried as he was, if not more so, but his pacing was starting to give you a headache at this point.
His frantic eyes met what you hoped was a soothing smile.
"Sam, I'm sure Dean is fine.
He's got a good head on those shoulders, if you're not just biased, and probably just needs a little time."
"You're right of course, it's just-"
He dug in his coat pocket, pulling his phone out again.
"I'll just call him one more time."
You couldn't hold back a laugh.
He froze with a hand poised to dial, staring at you wide eyed with a look that said he was questioning your sanity.
"I'm sorry, Sam, I really am but- you've called, lemme think-"
You made an exaggerated concentrating face.
"- six times?
Six times in the last five minutes."
He still looked haggard, but one corner of his mouth lifted ever so slightly so you pushed on.
"Six calls in five minutes.
And uhm, how many messages did you leave?"
Sam flushed.
"Uh uh, how many messages Sammy?"
He fixed his hair uncomfortably, but his expression was definitely lighter now.
He mumbled sheepishly.
You nodded wisely, pursing your lips and squinting.
Your head hurt like hell but now was not the time to remind Sam, not when you had finally managed to make him forget how near he was to panicking. 
"You don't think Dean will figure you want to talk to him?"
"You win."
Sam settled into the chair beside your bed, crossing his unbelievably long legs and leaning forwards.
"So, while I'm NOT calling Dean-"
He gave you a pointed look before continuing.
"- How are you?
I mean, you basically died for a few minutes there."
What could you say to distract him again without him catching on?
You couldn't tell if it was just a feeling or if you remembered, but somehow you knew Sam was a really smart guy.
"You know what, I'm confused.
I still- I just can't remember anything.
My name is Jaidyn, right?"
He nodded eagerly, leaning even closer and fixing his ocean bluegreen eyes - so different from Deans pure, stunning green- on your face.
I'm pretty sure you're like, my best friend, and Dean- I uhm, I remember Dean.
But other than that, I'm drawing a blank."
Sam clasped his big hands, seemingly lost in thought.
"What happened?
You keep saying there was an accident - I'm pretty sure you keep saying that.
I really don't have the faintest idea what it was, but I'd like to know.
This is - weird, y'know?
Having no idea what's going on or even who you are."
"Well- well, Jay.
I'm not exactly- not exactly sure how to tell you all this-"
There was an odd, muffled vibrating sound, and Sam's whole demeanor changed.
He jumped from the chair, pulling his phone from his coat pocket as though it was burning him.
The relief on his face faded almost immediately, and you strained to catch any of Deans words.
"Don't- don't do any- don't do anything, ok?
Just- tell me where you are."
He rushed for the door, shooting an apologetic glance over his shoulder.
The fear in his eyes made you wish you could hug and protect him, but you were most concerned about his older brother at the moment.
If anything happened to Dean-
"I'm on my way."
The door slammed shut- and then you were alone.

Dean's POV

The room was swimming.
Not in a good way, Dean thought absently.
But he wasn't worried.
It was funny, really, how calm he was.
Death had never scared Dean Winchester much- not his own death, at least.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he fretted over little Sammy.
After all, it was his responsibility to look after the kid and Dean was nothing if not responsible.
Sammy- he had sounded so worried on the phone.
Dean hadn't wanted to call him at all.
Better to just go quietly and let someone else break the news to his baby brother.
But he knew with a strange certainty: if he didn't make it clear to Sam that this was for the best - that this was what he wanted- that stupid boy would make a demon deal, or do something equally as idiotic, to get Dean back.
And there was no way Dean was letting Sammy put himself in danger.
Even when he was gone, Dean's purpose was to protect.
His sole purpose in life had always been protecting.
And just like everything else he tried, he had failed spectacularly at that.
Protecting Sammy- that thought was laughable, he had screwed it up so badly.
Protecting Jaidyn- well, she was currently lying in a hospital bed, in agony from severe injuries and with no memory of her entire life, because of him.
So really, there was nothing that made Dean want to fight this.
Of course, leaving Sammy alone was the last thing he wanted.
Even now, casually watching himself bleed out, somewhere in the back of Deans mind a small voice was screaming to look out for Sammy.
But Dean ignored it.
All he had done for his little brother was get him killed.
A few times.
Besides, he added mentally, Sam's not alone- he's got Jay.
That was the other reason Dean had called- he needed to tell Sam it was ok.
For all Jay knew, Sam Winchester was her boyfriend.
The thought pained Dean more than his injuries, but it was for the best.
Sammy would take care of her, give her the life she deserved.
It was really the best case scenario- Jay would be safe and happy, and (hopefully) wouldn't remember him enough to mourn; and she could comfort Sammy.
They could leave hunting together, go get that apple pie life most people like them could only dream of.
It was a better situation than Dean had dared hope for to leave Sammy.
So why did his heart ache so badly?
The stupid self pity he was feeling suddenly enraged him.
"You know what?"
His own voice, hoarse and low in pain, almost startled him.
"You know what?
It doesn't fucking matter!
You- you don't fucking matter.
What's important is that Sammy and Jay are alright, and they're gonna be alright because they have each other."
Dean smiled absently.
The kids would be alright.
That was all that mattered- all that had ever mattered, in fact.
All he had left to do was explain it all to his baby brother.
Now if he could just stay awake until Sammy got here.

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