Chapter Seven

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I'm sorry you guys 😭🖤

Sam's POV
Despite the agony threatening to tear him apart, Sam Winchester knew he had to stay calm.
Even though Cas had said there was nothing they could do, Sam knew there was always something.
No matter that Cas was a literal angel and knew basically everything, every trick in the book, everything that might happen.
Even angels make mistakes.
Sam just needed to stay calm.
Talk to Cas and Jaidyn, talk to Dean if possible, find out what had happened, figure out all the options.
He took a deep breath.
Someone screamed.
And kept screaming.
A terrible, keening sound like a soul being shredded to bits.
Castiel suddenly had him by the shoulders, his friends blue eyes intensely boring into Sam's broken heart.
And Sam realised with horror that the choking cry of suffering was his own.
Jaidyn was there too, her hand resting gently on his shoulder.
She was trying to comfort him.
Castiel appeared to be talking -shouting, really- but Sam couldn't hear a thing over the wailing.
His wailing.
The look on Cas' face finally cut through the fog of pain Sam was trapped in.
It was the look he gave Dean when he had messed something up and knew he couldn't deal with it alone- a look that begged for help.
And somehow, that look on Castiel scared Sam more than anything else.
Swallowing another cry with effort, he stared down at his friend.
Dean is awake."
Sam wheeled around and sure enough his older brother- his father, mother, best friend and so much more- was grinning weakly.
In the two steps he took to get there, Sam's heart broke all over again as he took in Dean's laboured breathing and glassy eyes.
His brother was dying- really dying - and very soon.
"Crying, Sammy?
I haven't even kicked the bucket yet."
Dean's smile faltered, ever so slightly.
"That's- it's not funny, jerk."
Sam rasped.
His throat was already hoarse from crying.
"Oh I don't know, it's a little funny."
Dean's voice was so weak Sam had to lean closer to make out his next words.
"You know I hate chick flick moments, Sammy, but just this once I'm gonna let you have one.
The angel appeared between them, his eyes shining suspiciously.
Sam jumped a little.
Would he never get used to that?
"Can you bring - bring Jay over here, then both - of you give me and - me and Sammy a minute?"
Sam was in physical pain, hearing Dean so weak and out of breath.
Castiel simply  nodded.
Sam wanted nothing more than to sit Dean up in the bed, make him explain everything - force him to get better.
But he held back as Castiel and Jaidyn said their goodbyes.
It really did look like a goodbye and Sam shuddered.
The thought of Dean dying- it was far worse than thinking of his own death.
In fact, if he thought about it any longer he would completely break down - either depression or a panic attack would make him completely useless.
Trying desperately to control his tears, Sam focused on a particularly worn area of carpet.
What had happened there?
Why was it older looking than the rest?
People walking in and out of the room, most likely.
Sam flinched as something touched his shoulder - but it was only Castiel, his face heavy with grief.
"I'll be outside with Jaidyn, your brother needs to talk to you."
Sam whirled and was on his knees beside his brother before the door had closed behind his friends.
Dean looked terrible- his face now a sickly grayish blue, eyes glazed over and his whole body trembling violently.
He sounded worse.
Sam was literally shaking from the effort of holding himself together now.
Dean's voice was incredibly soft and laced with pain.
His breathing was ragged and irregular.
Despite how obvious it was that he was in agony, Dean was smiling up at his little brother as though Sam were the most important thing in the world.
Which he pretty much was in Dean's eyes, Sam realised.
"Sammy, I- I've got some - important things - to - to say, and- I need- need you to - listen,al- alright?"
Sam nodded, his eyes filling with tears as Dean struggled for the breath to continue.
Without thinking about it, Sam took one of Dean's limp, bloody hands tightly in his own uninjured right hand.
Dean raised an eyebrow, then decided to let it go for once.
"I'm - I'm dying, - Sammy.
Don't- don't inter- interrupt, please- I need to - get this - through to you.
I'm - dying.
It was w- witches, Sammy.
Nine of- them, ok?"
Dean coughed hard, his breathing rattled.
In the midst of his mind shattering grief, Sam was shocked.
Nine witches, working together?
They were usually solo, sometimes up to three would team up - but nine?
They must've been a coven. But why would an entire coven be hunting Dean?
"Are you- still- with me, Sammy?"
Dean's pained mutter brought Sam's full attention back.
"Nine witches.
They could've- killed - me, immediately.
But they- wanted som- something else, Sammy."
The horror in Dean's eyes made Sam's heart race.
"What did they want?"
His brother coughed violently.
Sam noted the blood that accompanied it.
"They wan- Jay."
Dean coughed again, gasping so hard for breath that Sam nearly had a heart attack.
You need to hold on, let me get Cas-"
His older brother shook his head, looking as if the movement caused tremendous pain.
"He can't- do anything, Sammy.
They curs- me-"
Dean broke out in another coughing fit.
Sam's heart sank and he felt nauseous.
If Dean had been merely wounded, Cas could've healed him no problem.
If he was hexed- no, there had to be a way.
There had to.
You listen - an, listen - close- now.
Jay must've - discovered somethi- something.
You can't let-"
Dean gasped for breath.
Tears were streaming furiously down Sam's cheeks now.
This was the worst kind of torture.
His brother was in agony and there was no way to help him.
"Can't let- Cas re- store her - memory.
If she - doesn't - member - hunting she can't - go after - them.
Please, Sammy - I need - you to prom- promise me."
Sam nodded emphatically.
"Of course, Dean."
I'll take care of them myself, he added mentally, already planning how he could destroy them slowly-
I need- another- promise."
A new kind of pain flashed through Dean's eyes.
His voice was so low Sam was practically laying on him to make out the words now.
"Take- Jay and-"
Another round of bloody coughing, gasping desperately for breath- how long could Dean handle this?
It was positive hell for Sam.
"You two- go."
Sam pulled back to stare at Dean in shock.
He couldn't mean-
"I'm - dead serious- Sammy.
Go - get her that - apple pie- life you- always- wanted.
Don't - don't even think about- going after- those-"
The most intense bout of coughing yet.
Dean closed his eyes.
Sam heard the terror in his own voice, might've been ashamed of it in a different situation but right now it didn't matter in the least.
"Promise- me, Sammy."
Trembling, Sam forced himself to choke out," I promise."
"Take- care of- her, alright?"
"You know I will, Dean."
Sam was sure he was going to throw up, but he forced himself to attempt a smile for Dean's sake.
"And Sammy - it's - ok, re- really.
You two- don't fe- don't feel bad- bad, ok?"
Sam didn't trust himself to answer without full on sobbing, which would totally drown out Dean's next words, so he just nodded.
"I'm - glad you'll- have each- other."
Dean stared intently into Sam's eyes.
"Come here, buddy."
Sam forgot to be gentle with his brother, throwing himself desperately into Deans open arms.
"I'm- proud of- you, Sammy.
So damn - proud."
Choking in the attempt to swallow his sobs, Sam pulled back just enough to meet Dean's gaze.
"Please, please don't sa-"
"I love you, bitch."
And Dean closed his eyes.
Sam's body was shaking so hard he could barely form coherent words.
His brother lay absolutely still.
Everything was silent.
Too silent.
Dean's rasping breathing had stopped.
Sam threw himself onto Dean again, feeling the last thread of his self control vanish.
"You - you never let me say it back but - I love - I love you, jerk."
Your POV
Castiel sat on the bench next to you, an arm protectively around your shoulders.
You were aware of his tears.
And your own dry eyes.
You must be in shock.
Dean's words played over and over in your head- 'I love you.'
'Look out for Sammy, ok?'
'It's alright, Jay. Don't cry.'
The motel room door just to your right swung open.
Castiel's sudden intake of breath told you it was bad.
Slowly, you turned your head.
Sam Winchester stood there, his face a mix of agony and terror, tears flowing freely down his cheeks.
He stumbled towards the two of you, his legs trembling so he could scarcely walk, and collapsed on the bench beside you.
"He's gone."
Castiel choked out, reaching to lay a hand on Sam's shoulder.
"He's gone, Jay."
Sam buried his face in your hair and sobbed as if his heart was broken.
Because it was.
The wall of ice that had formed around your heart collapsed painfully and the tears finally came.
Dean Winchester was dead.

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