Chapter Two

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If anyone's reading this, thank you! This part is slow but it gets better soon, I promise 😊

Your POV
You were running.
You didn't know why, but your accelerated heart rate and difficulty catching a breath indicated you had been for awhile.
Your head ached strangely as you slowed to a stop.
Something like panic welled inside your mind and you looked around, hoping to see someone who could tell you what was going on - but there was only darkness.
And fear.
Then a single word filled your mind, a word that somehow meant safety and care and pain all at the same time. 
A word that meant love.
Slowly, hazy, blurred images entered your mind - waking up in a hospital bed, pain and fear, the confusion of not remembering anything.
Then the picture of Dean - for you had no doubt that this must be Dean- looking down at you with pain in his brilliant green eyes, the strange, choking cry as he rushed out..... and the bleak desolation when he had gone.
Still in a daze, you tried to sort out what was real and what you only imagined.
Lost in a frenzy of thought,  you nearly shrugged off the faint cry.
However, the name stirred something in your memory- if you could even call it memory.
"Jaidyn please, wake up babe."
Jaidyn..... that was your name.
Who was calling you?
With surprisingly violent and disappointment, you knew it couldn't be Dean.
Somehow, this voice was beloved and welcome- though in a VERY different way than Deans would've been.
For a moment, you were tempted to keep exploring this darkness that screamed of secrets, give in to this overwhelming yet mysterious desire to just- stay, to try and piece your life back together, or even- the most dangerous of all- to rest.
But the voice came again, near hysteria evidently.
You need to wake up, baby girl.
Jay- I'm here, I'm right here-
Please, Jay!"
The voice caught, as though the man speaking was on the verge of tears.
You hesitated a moment, looking again at the tempting darkness.
Suddenly, there was a new voice.
This one was professional, detached but coolly sympathetic.
"You'll need to leave, sir.
I'm afraid there's not much we can do now."
"But you said- you said she was past the worst!"
"She was.
I'm sure this is the last thing you'll want to hear, sir, but she just- gave up."
A silence.
You thought hard.
They were talking about you, there was no question about that.
But- you were dying? Or had you died already?
It was the strangest feeling you had ever experienced.
You could hear everything they said.
And everything they didn't say.
But despite increasingly panicked efforts, you couldn't seem to move or make a noise.
"It's Sam."
"Sam-" the other voice was softer now, but he still sounded on the verge of annoyance.
"Sam," he repeated, "you can have a moment to- to say goodbye, but - I'm afraid we need this room as soon as possible. I'll return shortly and it will be time- I'm sorry."
Hurried footsteps left the room, and you heard the gentle click of the door closing.
Your chest was aching now, and you realized with rising panic that you couldn't breathe.
What was going on?
"Jay-" his voice caught again.
"Jay- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't protect you, and I'm, uh- I'm sorry for everything.
But baby, if you're still here, we need you.
Please- just, just- please."
The stark pain in his voice tugged at your heart, and you fought even harder to wake up, to hug him, to at least get a breath.
Sam cleared his throat and continued.
"Jay, you're all- all that kept Dean going, these past couple years."
Everything in you stilled as you concentrated- his words were the only thing that mattered.
"He's just- He's been through so freakin' much it's hard to even want to keep going, y'know?
But you- you're his hope, Jay.
You're literally his oxygen, you're the only reason he's still alive."
There was no question now- you were not leaving Dean, not ever, if you had a freakin' thing to say about it.
Sams last words were nearly a whisper.
"After the uh, the- the accident- he literally gave up.
They said you weren't gonna make it, and I- I've never seen him so utterly hopeless, Jaidyn.
He told me- he told me goodbye.
D'you hear that?"
His voice was rising now, more passionate and he spoke quickly.
"He told me goodbye, Jaidyn.
He had nothing to live for with you gone, and he just- he couldn't do it."
For a moment, only Sams harsh breathing broke the silence.
"You know we have the colt in Baby's trunk.
I just- I couldn't lose both of you.
I promised my brother that you would be ok.
It was stupid but I - I promised him that you- you would be totally fine.
And if you weren't, I understood- I know what he was going to do.
We both do."
Concentrating every ounce of will you possessed, you managed a very slight breath.
"So please- we need you girl."
With a Herculean effort, you gasped - and then kept breathing.
"Jay- Jay!"
You could feel him drop to his knees beside you, and unless the hospital ceiling leaked, Sam was crying.
"Can you hear me, Jay?"
The darkness beckoned, but you refused to give in.
You couldn't put Sammy through that again.
Finally, you opened your eyes.
Blinking, you were relieved to recognize the hospital room from your dream- so at least some of it was true.
Sam's worried face was right above yours, and the utter joy that immediately filled his eyes filled your own with tears.
"Heya Sammy," you blurted, cracking a smile.
He stared down at you for a few long seconds.
You were cut off as he unfroze, practically falling onto your chest in a desperate hug.
You blinked rapidly, struggling to take in how much he really cared about you.
Of its own accord, your left hand shakily rested on his smooth hair.
"I thought I lost you."
He choked out at last.
You pulled him tighter, ignoring the pain, and forced a cocky tone into your reply.
"You're not getting rid of me that easily."

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