Chapter Five

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Hey guys, just a quick disclaimer- I actually don't know Cas' exact powers, ok? I loosely based them on canon and embellished them to fit in the story :) While I'm confessing, I'll add that some of the stuff in here will contradict canon, usually because I have a lousy memory and sometimes just because I changed it up to make the story make sense lol. Also, I hope you're enjoying the story 🖤

Your POV
"You are not well."
The oddly familiar rasping voice was actually the most normal thing about the man standing in front of you.
He was tall, not as tall as Sam obviously but much taller than you, with soft looking brown hair, a strange sense of fashion - literally, wearing a blue tie and a tan trench coat?- and narrowed eyes studying you with concern.
It wasn't a question, but you shook your head anyways.
His face went from inquisitive to worried in a split second.
"My apologies.
How can I be of assistance?"
You stared at him, still trying to figure out what the actual hell was going on.
A part of your mind was glad to realize that the man standing in front of you was very handsome.
He didn't look too old, maybe five or seven years Deans senior, but something about his face and particularly those sad blue eyes spoke of ancient knowledge and unknown power.
You suddenly swayed precariously, the sidewalk seemingly bucking underneath your feet.
Closing your eyes, you braced to hit the cold cement.
Hopefully this wouldn't aggravate your injuries too badly.
Instead of crashing to the ground, strong yet gentle hands were around your waist and holding you up.
Cautiously you opened your eyes.
And literally almost had a heart attack.
"Fuck you!"
Taking a deep breath to try and calm your racing heart, you looked up again.
Castiel was peering down at you from about an inch away, worry and confusion battling for dominance in his expression.
"I- I don't understand.
Dean told me that he would stab me in the throat with an angel blade if you and I ever had sexual intercourse."
"That's not what I meant!"
Without thinking, you slapped him across the face.
He tilted his head, not seeming to feel anything and looking more concerned than ever.
Was he really this clueless?
Your hand was aching and stinging from the blow.
"What the hellll," you groaned, cradling your poor injured hand.
"But that is what you implied."
He pressed, still unaffected by the blow.
"No it's not!"
"But you said fu-"
"I know what I said, ok?
I meant you surprised me and it sucked.
Haven't you ever heard of personal space?"
You shoved out of his strangely comforting grasp.
"Of course I have.
Dean mentions it quite often.
I take it this means it's important to humans."
"Of course it's impo-"
You stared at him.
"You're acting very strange Jaidyn.
Perhaps I should take you to Dean."
Still disbelieving, you studied this - Castiel- for a long moment.
"This silence is - very uncomfortable," he muttered at last.
"Did- did you say personal space is important- to humans?"
Castiel looked taken aback.
He leaned close again, and this time you didn't pull away, though it felt like his intense gaze was boring into your soul.
"I didn't see it before- you're- not Jaidyn at all, are you?
You're- not yourself.
My apologies."
He laid a gentle hand on your shoulder.
How lucky could you be?
For at least the third time today, you blinked back tears at the realisation that someone really cared for you- like, really cared.
Castiel looked down at you with the gentlest expression on his handsome face.
"Of course I care for you Jaidyn."
A shiver went down your spine.
Did he just-
"Hear your thoughts?
Yes, I did."
This was all too much.
First Sam left you alone and you had to fight your way out, then this Castiel appeared from nowhere, miraculously caught you, talked about having sex - and now he could read your thoughts?
"Not read, they are not written on paper or a screen, Jaidyn."
The real concern on his face and the absurdity of his reply would've made you laugh if you weren't seriously freaking out.
"I can hear you, you know."
Castiel looked a little hurt.
What the hell was going on?
"My apologies.
I'll explain later."
He grabbed your shoulders in an intense, slightly painful grip.
Then the world went black.

Sam's POV
Sam slammed his phone down.
Dean hadn't answered for at least five minutes and it was seriously freaking Sam out.
Why had he ever let his brother leave the hospital so upset?
If Dean- it would be on him, his fault if Dean really-
It wasn't possible.
Dean couldn't really mean to- but he had told Sam goodbye.
He furiously shoved that thought far back into his mind, refusing to even consider it.
Why couldn't this freakin' car go any faster?
Luckily the road was deserted at this hour, because Sam was going at least twice the speed limit and for once he didn't care.
As if worrying about Dean wasn't bad enough his hand began aching again.
The sharp pain of multiple fractures was nothing new to Sam.
Not that that made it much easier to bear.
Still, his physical pain was nothing compared to the cacophony inside his head.
'You shouldn't have let him go.
You knew- you knew he wasn't joking.
You were still mad at him for getting Jaidyn hurt.'
"No I wasn't!
There was no way in hell this was his fault!"
The voice only paused for a second.
'Yes you were.
You and Jaidyn told him you didn't like resting in there, not before the witch was dead.
But did he listen?
No, because Mr know-it-all big brother is never wrong.
You blamed him- because it was his fault.'
"Shut up!!!"
'You blamed him and you were still angry- and he knew it.
All he ever did was take care of you, sacrificed his whole life to give you a good one.
The guy slips up once and you won't even forgive him.'
"I said shut up."
'But that's not the worst part.
Oh, no.
You weren't content with just hating him, were you?
You just had to take the one thing Dean has ever kept for himself.
You stole Jaidyn.'
Sam's breath left him, his chest aching in sudden horror.
'No wonder Dean wants to die.'
"Shut the hell up!!"

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