Chapter 1: Interview

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Amber's POV

*Present day*

I opened the brown envelope, slid under my door.

It was of my Dad's hospital bills. I sighed staring at the ridiculous cost.

His drinking problem deteriorated which lead to a car accident.

I've had to pay a lot of medical expenses ever since, I doubt he's getting any better. He is now paralyzed from the waist down so he also needs a carer, not to mention a number of failing organs.

I haven't seen or heard from my sister in the last ten years. All I know is that she ran off with some old guy. We never heard from her again. When we tried looking for her it was a dead-end, only a letter followed by a phone call, telling us not to look for her again.

Since mom left us, she never bothered to see us again.

I've seen mom a couple of times in the tabloids with a now rich husband, handing out checks to homeless children when she never cared about her own.

I have no desire to find her. She never bothered to look for me or look back, so why should I?

I threw the letter onto my coffee table adding it to my pile of bills.

I sat on the couch, wrapping my arms around myself.

Life has a cruel way of paying me back for everyone I hurt. Especially Liam, sometimes I have nightmares of the way he looked at me that day I insulted him.

It was also the last day I saw Liam. That same day when I arrived home from school, my dad rushed us in a panic to pack our bags.

We moved here, to New York because of a job offer he had received.

He only kept the job for a month until his drinking habits slowly started weighing in. Because he was constantly hungover, he was hardly at work.

When lost his job, he made sure to drink away every penny he had left.

I had to get an after-school job to support myself and sometimes him. Luckily I got a scholarship that got me through high school, unfortunately, it wasn't extended for college.

College was especially difficult, having to support me and my dad.

I've had to make serious changes to my attitude after people treated me the same way I used to treat others.

I couldn't help but shed a tear which I quickly wiped away. I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself and find a solution instead.

I had a lot of bills to pay not to mention my current unemployment status.

My last job didn't end too well. The manager kept making moves and inappropriate comments toward me. When I tried to report him, he turned the whole thing on me and acted like the victim. I ended up leaving, no longer willing to tolerate his disrespectful behaviour.

I had an interview tomorrow at Carson inc., it's the only place that has even bothered to contact me after countlessly dropping my curriculum vitae.

I heard the sound of my door knob turning, I quickly wiped away any evidence of my sadness.

"Amber!" A loud enthusiastic voice yelled as the door slowly opened.

I immediately realised the voice belonged to no other than Cora. She was my best friend since college, she also had a key to my apartment.

Cora walked into the room, a wide smile playing on her face

She was holding a paper bag with a red logo on it. Dressed in her usual work clothes: black trousers and a white shirt and heels.

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