Chapter 2: The new Liam

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Amber's POV

"Amber," He repeated my name.

My brain froze.

After all this time he still remembered my name. I still remembered him because I could never erase the look he had in his eyes ten years ago.

Why does he remember me?

He kept his eyes fixed on me as if studying me.

If my lack of qualifications didn't do the trick, our past surely sealed the deal. There was no way I was getting this job.

He cleared his throat, snapping me back to reality.

I'd have expected him to start talking about the past, but he quickly adjusted to a more professional tone. Maybe he didn't even remember most of what happened ten years ago.

"Shall we begin?" He asked.

I nodded.

I sat down feeling a bit more relaxed.

He scammed through my portfolio. His expression changed throughout; I couldn't read him or tell what he was thinking.

Time surely did him well. Not only was he successful, but he was handsome as well. Puberty must have slapped him in the right direction.

His jaw was now sharper and more refined. His eyelashes were still as thick and dark as I remembered, in contrast to his golden hair. I'm pretty sure underneath that tux, there were thick biceps just waiting for me to...

'Focus' I reminded myself.

I was here for a job interview and not to check out a boy I used to bully, who was now a man.

I took a deep breath, shifting to my professional side. I did everything the secretary suggested, not smiling as much and most certainly not making any eye contact.

He pushed my portfolio aside.

I waited for him to speak or ask me any questions.

"Your portfolio was very..." He started, trying to figure out the right words to say. "Interesting." He continued, "I'll have the receptionist call you as soon as I have made my decision." He spoke.

I nodded in thanks.

He was acting nice; I was a bit shocked that he didn't ask me any questions. This was probably a sign that I wasn't getting the job.

But at least he wasn't mean to me. I wonder why the other girl left here crying.

I stood up to leave.

I smiled at him before making my way out. I had already forgotten, don't smile a lot.

I somehow couldn't get myself to leave. This was probably a sign. After all these years he was standing in front of me. I probably wouldn't see him ever again.

Maybe this was my last chance to apologise, my last shot at redemption after all this time.

Surely, I couldn't leave things like this. It would always haunt me. I needed him to forgive me before I could forgive myself. This was the chance I needed to take. Maybe this was my lost shot.

Before I could convince myself otherwise, I turned around and spoke.

"Liam," I began.

He returned his eyes to me, looking up from the pile of papers on his desk.

Wait, should I address him more formally now that he could potentially be my boss? I knew very well that I wasn't getting the job anyway.

Under his gaze I was a nervous rack, my legs were shaking, and I could barely form a word.

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