"Sure," I replied, standing as well.

We both headed upstairs, but not before I glanced out the large windows in the living room at the ocean, wishing I could be out there.

Goddammit, Fletcher.

~ ~ ~

"Oh, Jamie," Monica gasped as I came out of the dressing room. "That dress is stunning on you."

It was a navy blue dress that cinched at the bust and then had a chiffon bottom that ended a few inches about the knee. It was still fitted on the bottom though, showing every curve and edge of my body. I stared at myself in the mirror and couldn't imagine myself wearing it out.

"We have to get it," Monica insisted.

"It's okay, really," I replied.

"No, it's too perfect on you."

"Monica, it's 110 dollars," I said in disbelief looking at the tag. "Besides, where would I even wear this."

"On your next date with Wyatt," she said, her eyes still scanning the dress in amazement.

I gave her a disapproving look, but she wasn't even looking at me."I can't let you pay this much for me,"

"You've refused to let me buy anything for you all day," Monica glared at me. "But I'm not letting this one slide through the cracks. Now get back in there and change so we can pay for it."

I held in a groan and changed back into my shorts and blouse. I still couldn't believe the number that popped up on the register when the cashier scanned it. "Monica," I started again.

"Hush," she shot at me and gave me one of her cold stares. I finally shut my mouth for good.

When we left the shop, it was around one thirty in the afternoon and both of our stomachs were rumbling. We went to a small café right on the edge of the river and sat outside on the deck over the water. You could see up and down the entire river, as well as the bridge just down the way. Monica pointed it out and I couldn't help but realize how small it was in comparison to the Golden Gate Bridge, the one that I had grown up looking at almost every single day.

"So," Monica said as the sun started to really beat down on us. "I was thinking you could have all your friends over for a barbecue tonight. I'd love to meet them."

I began to play with my straw in my Coke, watching as the ice began to melt in the heat. "I mean, I'll ask."

"If not tonight, that's fine," she said quickly. "Just sometime."

"Maybe tomorrow afternoon."

"That would be fun," she commented.

Our food came and we began to eat in silence. Monica stabbed a piece of lettuce with her fork and said, "So, Wyatt slept over last night."

Oh, God. "Mhm."

She cleared her throat, stabbing more pieces of lettuce. "I just want to make sure you two are being safe."

Oh dear God, for fuck's sake. "We were just sleeping, I swear."

"Of course," she said quickly, her voice cracking. "I just need to make sure, you know, if anything does happen-"

"I know," I cut her off. "My mom's given me the talk plenty of times, so trust me you have nothing to worry about."

When she didn't say anything, I finally looked up at her and realized she was staring at me. Her eyes seemed desolate, like she was completely out of it. She finally snapped out of it and looked back down at her plate. "Right. Of course your mother talked to you about this. How silly of me."

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