Chapter Six

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Abi walks along the train station with Draco next to her. Students and parents seem to split as she walks through. Eyes fall her every move. There are numerous reasons why they would do this, but her top picks would be the fact that she is a Weasley and that she is with a Malfoy. With the war being as it is, it would make sense. The two make it on the train and he helps her find a compartment. The two sit down across from each other.

"You going?"

"I can come and go as I need. Someone has to make sure you don't die."

The door opens to reveal Ginny, Luna, and Neville. The red headed twin embrace each other in relief both are okay. They had been writing letters back and forth. Limited on information of course since every one is being intercepted. Neville stares Draco down.

"My sister is on the run because of you," he states. "If you hadn't let the Death Eaters into the school-"

"Then they would have found another way and the students may not have been spared."

Neville looks slightly shocked at the idea of that. Draco gets up, claiming he will give Abi some time with her friends and sister. They sit where he was as he leaves. The two sisters look at each other.

"You realize life will be hell for us, right?" Abi asks. "The two of us being a Weasley. You two being friends with us."

"We have figured," Luna states.

"Besides," Neville adds, "my sister is with Harry as is."

The train lurches to a stop. Everyone piles out of the compartments to see what is happening. A Death Eater strolls through, looking into every compartment. Neville moves out some more, standing tall.

"They're not here," he snaps at the man. The Death Eater pushes past him and continue to check the rest of the train. Soon the locomotive starts moving once again. The four go back in the compartment. Abi checks to make sure no one is listening. Ginny casts a charm once she realizes what her twin is doing.

"What if we start Dumbledore's Army once more?" the Slytherin offers.

"What if they find out?" Luna asks.

"They may," Ginny admits. "But it would help some for Harry and them. If we can do just the right amount of sabotage, then it would give us the little bit of edge that we need."

Neville agrees and everyone starts discussing the possibility of meeting. It will be more dangerous than when Umbridge ran the school, but the risk will be worth it. At least they know they would meet in the Room of Requirement again. They could possibly set it up as a safe house instead of just a meeting spot. 


Jas looks at the note and fake locket on the table. That is honestly the most aggravating thing her opinion. She almost died and yet it was not what they need. Also the fact she is just finding out is a fraud is also annoying. The mission could have been avoided and that means there is a chance Dumbledore may also be alive. The group will have to try and find that with who knows how many more. 

"So R. A. B. in the note turns out to be Regulus Black," Hermione states. "Sirius' little brother."

"But why would he do this?" C asks. "Wasn't he a Death Eater?"

"Maybe he was more like his brother than people gave him credit."

A clatter comes from the pantry at the other end of the table. The group raises their wands before walking over. They open the door to see Kreacher eavesdropping on them. Hermione seems to get a smart idea. She grabs the amulet and holds it up.

"Do you know anything about this?" she asks.

"Kreacher does not need to answer a filthy mudblood."

"Watch it," Ron snaps, trying to defend his friend.

"Or a bloodtraitor."

Harry raises his wand, stopping him. Technically, Kreacher is Harry's property by Wizarding rules. He plans to free him once the war is over however. Just as long as Harry is the master of him, he can't go and slip information to Bellatrix.

"Answer her question," the boy wonder orders.

"That is Master Regulus' locket. He had another like it, but Kreacher knew it was dark."

"Where is it now?" Jas interjects, trying to get straight to the point. Kreacher gives her a nasty look before answering.

"A thief took it."

"Get him," Harry orders. The House Elf snaps his finger and disappears. The group looks at each other. The main trio leads C and Belle out to the den. The two have similar birth days, so the other four figured to wait to the middle to give gifts. Mainly so Jas could sneak out and get it. The group gather around as Hermione pulls the gifts out of her bag.

She hands the gifts to the two girls. Belle opens her's to reveal a classic camera. C got a small art set that she had been wanting for a while now. Both weren't too hard to get it. Jas' adoptive mother had owned the camera and left it to her. The art supplies honestly could be bought at any major market. 

"You guys did not have to do this," Belle states. 

"We know," Harry responds, sitting next to her. His arm goes around her shoulder. This just causes Jas' heart to ache some. She needs to check on her husband and brother. Now that it is calmer, it may help. She reaches into her jacket pocket and checks to make sure that there is drachmas there. Only three. She excuses herself and goes to find a way to create a rainbow to IM George.

BreathlessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang