Chapter Two

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Belle picks up her bag off of the bunk, waving to the Rachel Dare, the Camp's Oracle. The red head had been helping her learn how to control her visions a bit better. But both know that not all of the time will they be able to hold off a prophecy or vision though. Rachel walks over and embraces the other prophet. She slips a dagger into her bag.

"Just in case," the artist states. "Be safe and may the fates be with you."

"They don't choose sides," Belle reminds her. 

"True. So show them up by staying alive."

"Will do."

The Gryffindor emerges from the lavish cave and see her friends waiting for her. She waves at them before hurrying down towards them. The twins have returned into their suits. Both looking exactly the same minus the color. Jas is dressed in shorts and her leather jacket. C in skinny jeans and a crop top. Abi in an old sweatshirt and torn jeans. The group are on a mission issued by the Order. Relocating Harry before the protection spells on the Dursley house fade. 

The problem is between Harry and the girls, four of them are underage and trying to succeed at this. Most of the Order will be there actually to ensure Harry getting to the Burrow safely. Jas and the twins split who they are taking since it is harder to apparate so many people. Jas grabs Belle's shoulder and they travel. 

Jas used Shadow Traveling, some ability children of Hades are given. The group end up right outside Harry's house. Belle hadn't been here since last summer when she ran to safety from an attack. Jas looks paler than usual. The door opens to see a shocked Harry.

"What are all of you doing here?" he asks.

"Nice to see you too," Belle laughs, kissing his cheek. He wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her close.

"My point is the six of you are not a good combination. Not with most of the Order in the kitchen."

"We made it just in time then."

Harry checks on Jas as the rest of the group head into the kitchen. C goes and sit by her adoptive parents. Abi and the twins go and talk to their family there. Arthur and Bill had already arrived with Ron. Jas walks over to Bill.

"We seem to be matching," she jokes, pointing to the scar on her cheeks.

"I think I win," Bill laughs. Belle smirks as everyone talks among themselves. When Harry walks in, Mad-Eye Moody start discussing the plan with Harry. Which the boy quickly goes against. As he is rambling about how he is against it, so Hermione rips out a chunk of hair out of his head. She drops it in the vial of Polyjuice Potion.

"All the volunteers line up," he orders. Belle chuckles as C tries to slip into the line. Though she is pulled out of line by Lupin. No way would he let his daughter be involved with it. "For those of you has never tried this before, fair warning, it tastes like Goblin piss."

Each person that drinks it starts turning it Harry. Voices and clothes stay the same. Clothing is an easy fix though and the several versions of her boyfriend don't need to speak.

"Blimey," the twins, who just transformed. "We're identical."

"You two are always identical," Jas laughs. Moody throws down a bag full of clothes. All seven of the Harrys start to change to look alike. The former Auror starts assigning the pairs with a Harry. All except Hagrid will have the actual Harry by himself. The half giant is equal to two men physically, so it should be enough to intimidate any attackers. Everyone piles out of the house and grab or summon their brooms. The group starts to take off flying. Everyone stays with their group.

Abi had to fly along side her father and George. It was the only way her mum would agree to let her go on this mission.  She flies along with the two. A massive cloud form is getting closer to them. 

"It's an attack," Jas shouts from the front. Abi's father looks at her and she knows what he means. No spells, but she can sing. The Slytherin Chaser leans forward on her broom, moving faster. She joins the three of the other girls in the front. They prepare for a fight. Belle is actually trying to balance on a broom while firing arrows. Jas is combining regular and Egyptian magic. C is pushing people off of their broom with her force, mostly. She is still learning how to control. Abi starts singing, focusing on controlling Death Eaters.

"Fly down and home,

Abandon thy mission,

Flee for your safety."

She keeps this up. The issue is only some can here what she is singing. Those who do hear her do fly down though. They just turn around and obey her orders. A red light flashes and goes right past her. She manages to spin her broom around to avoid it. One of the Harrys with her father catch up and they rush towards the Burrow. 

Not too far out, another spell flies past Abi. Hitting the Harry, who is George, in the ear. He lets out a scream in pain, covering the bloody mess where his ear was. Arthur and Abi rush to get him to safety. As long as he is in the barrier, it should help. George is starting to turn back. Jas lands beside them, going to support him.

"I got you," she promises. They get him to the house where Mum hurries to help her son. Jas refuses to leave his side while Arthur makes sure it is the real Harry that is with them. Other members start arriving. Fred and C stop when they see George missing an ear. The uninjured one goes to sit by Jas, in front of his twin.

"How are you feeling, Georgie?" he asks.

"Saint like," George manages.

"Come again?"

"Saint like. I'm holly Fred."

"Of all the ear related jokes in the world," Jas chuckles through her tears, "and you choose holly?"

Bill walks in, leaning against the wall. He looks at the floor, clearly bothered.

"Mad-Eye is dead," he states. Everyone looks among each other. How did they know what was happening? The Ministry officials there made it seem like it was going to be on his birthday. Ginny embraces her twin as everyone looks at who is there and who is missing. The guy who was disguised as Harry and under Mad-Eye's charge is also missing. Some look beaten up, others worn out. 

It was a short battle on Abi's end, but trying to focus her magic that much physically drained her. Though she is just now feeling it. Molly Weasley ushers everyone to go and get some rest. Abi stops just before the stairs and look back. Jas is on the ground, holding George's hand. She is laying her head on the small bit of couch open. The Weasley mother covers her with a blanket. Abi head up to her room with her twin.

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