Chapter 16

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I Chip's hand as I walk blindly. Kai helps guide me over any bumps in the ground.
"So where are we going?" I ask for what seems the billionth time that day. They don't say anything and keep leading me through the bumpy terrain.
After another minute or two of walking we get onto a smooth path. We walk across it and suddenly Chip stops. I stop beside him and listen.
I can hear trees moving in the wind and the sound of a waterfall in the distance. Chip lets go of my hand and walks away. I hear him talk to someone but I can't make out what they are saying because of the waterfall.
"Okay. I am going to remove your blindfold but don't open your eyes until you have counted to 10," Chip says. I nod and he takes the blindfold off.
Chip and Kai's footsteps recede into the distance. I can feel the wind take the sound of their footsteps away as they travel back. I hear them coming back and trying, fruitlessly, to cover the sound of their footsteps.
Music starts playing from somewhere ahead of me. I hear Chip laugh and the abruptly stop. I smile, knowing that he's most likely hiding in the bushes with Kai somewhere nearby.
Footsteps walk up to me. I tense up slightly, but then relax as I know Kai and Chip are nearby if I need help. I jump as someone rests their hand on my right cheek.
I open my eyes. Flo stands in front of me, the light breeze swinging his blonde hair around. He takes my hand and guides me to a picnic table.
I sit down beside him and listen to the noise. I hear water rushing, probably a nearby stream, and the crickets starting to chirp as the sun goes down.
Fairy lights hang from the trees and flower petals litter the ground and the table cloth. I look over to see Flo smiling off into the distance.
I smile softly and grab his hand. He turns over to me and smirks. I let go of his hand and wipe it on my shirt playfully. He pouts and turns away.
I laugh and open the picnic basket. He turns back at the sound of it opening. This boy sure does like his food.
We eat in silence as the rest of this day had already gone. When I'm finished, I climb up at tree looking out at the mountains. I feel a weight settle on the branch next to me.
Flo grabs my hand and rubs small circled on the back of it. I look over at him and he turns to me, straddling the branch. I look at him nervously, knowing exactly what's about to happen.
"Hope. We've only known each other for a week but you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are kind and funny and smart. And I was wondering if you, Hope Polaki, would go to prom with me as my date?" He asks.
I sit there speechless. His hand is shaking slightly. I grab it with both of mine. I look up at him and frown.
"Why are you so nervous?" I ask. He looks at me and laughs. I stare at him confused.
"Everything about you makes me nervous. I don't want to drive you away," he says. I nod. He stares at me for a moment and then his face breaks out into a grin.
"You'll go to prom with me?" He confirms excitedly. I nod again and he jumps down from the tree. He runs over to the bushes and pulls Kai and Chip out.
"I'm taking her to prom!" He exclaims. Kai pats him on the head and Chip gives him a high five. I climb back down the tree and walk over to them.
Flo and Kai are busy packing up everything, so I decide to talk to Chip. I walk over to his small form, sitting on the bench patiently for his boyfriend.
I sit down beside him and see him shaking slightly from the cold. I get back up and walk over to Kai.
"Hey Kai, can I take your coat for Chip?" I ask quickly interrupting them. At first I think they are mad but then they realize it's me and smile.
Kai hands me his coat and I walk back over to Chip. I hand him the coat and he smiles at me gratefully. He shrugs it on with out too much difficulty and it seems to swallow him whole.
"Your boyfriend ditch you?" I ask him amused. He nods and glares at me. I pat the top of his head and he shrinks down into Kai's coat, trying to escape.
"Why does this coat smell like Kai?" He asks , his voice muffled from being under the coat. I laugh and he pops his head out.
"Because that is Kai's coat Chip," I point out. He looks over at Kai and smiles. I nudge him gently with my elbow. He looks over at me.
"He's amazing. It's crazy because we probably hadn't have met if it wasn't for you," he says. I smile at him and look over at the other two.
They had started walking over to us. I got up and me and Chip walked the rest of the way and met them. We walked out of the forest, all happy and excited for the day to come.

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