Chapter 8

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I walk into the school watching for the tall guy. I run into someone and fall to the ground. I wince as pain jolts through my ribs.
"Hope!" Kai exclaims. I look up to see him standing there with his hand out. I grab his hand and pull myself up. Chip walks up behind him.
He doesn't say a word that whole morning. The others are ecstatic to see me but my mood had been plummeted because of Chip's sadness.
The bell rings and I walk to class. I sit down by the window and Chip sits on the other side of the room. I look over at him in confusion but he looks away.
The teacher starts the class but all I can focus on is Chip. He doesn't seem to be paying attention. He keeps glancing down at his phone.
When the bell rings I go over to Chip. He tries to pack up but his hands are shaky and he drops his stuff. I help him clean it up and we walk out of the classroom.
"What's wrong?" I ask him. He looks away with a tint of red on his cheeks. I grin widely.
"Someone's in love~" I tease. He smacks me on the shoulder and smiles.
"Whatever," he replies walking off. I run to catch up with him.
"Stop going so fast! I just got out of surgery! " I complain. He chuckles and slows down. His phone beeps in his pocket.
His face lights up as he takes out his phone. I smile at him and walk to my next class. I sit next to Meadow and we talk for a while before the bell rings.
The teacher walks in and gives us a free period. He slumps down at his desk and falls asleep.
Me and Meadow catch up on the latest couples and chose which ones are good ships. Many, we agree, are terrible. I tell her about Chip and mystery guy.
Meadow squeals extremely loudly, waking up the teacher. He bolts up from his desk and grabs the fire extinguisher.
"Where's the fire?!" He yells. The class laughs and Meadow hides her face in her hands. The bell rings and the teacher almost throws the fire extinguisher.
Me and Meadow walk out of class. I look back and see the teacher outside of the door, with the fire extinguisher still in his hand.
"Well, that guy is out of it," I state. Meadow nods and giggles. We walk to our next class and meet Valley there. The class goes extremely slow.
When the bell rings, all three of us run to lunch. Rain is sitting next to Chip, who is still on his phone. Kai is nowhere to be seen. I sit on the other side of Rain and Meadow sits beside me.
Kai runs into the lunchroom, his hair a mess. He slams his stuff down next to Chip. He flops into the chair and leans on Chip.
Chip's face erupts into a blush. I stifle a laugh at his reaction. He glares over at me. So that's who he was texting.
"Sorry I'm late. I blew something up in Chemistry!" He pants. Chip laughs and blushes harder. I look over at Meadow to see if she noticed it too.
I see her looking over at me. She winks and mouths 'I ship it.' I nod. I look back over at the two boys. Kai looks oblivious to Chip's attention.
I text Chip and tell him to meet me and Meadow after school. He looks over at me confused. He shrugs and nods anyways.
I text Meadow the plans and she nods. I text Andy and Simon that I'm going to the park after school. They reply that it's okay and to be home at seven.
I finish eating my lunch and listen to music on my phone. Rain taps my shoulder when the bell rings.
I walk with her and Kai to our last class. Kai is on his phone texting someone. He is smiling so widely that I'm afraid his face is going to split in half.
We sit next to each other in our last class. I look around for the six foot guy but he's nowhere to be seen. I relax a bit knowing that hes not here.
When the class is over I quickly grab my stuff from my locker and meet Chip and Meadow out front. We walk to a nearby park and sit down under a tree.
"So Chip," Meadow starts. He looks away nervously, like he knows what we came here to ask.
"Do you like Kai?" She asks. He plays with his shoelaces, tying and undoing them over and over. He finally looks up at us.
"Is that a bad thing?" He asks sheepishly. We shake our heads no. Meadow smiles at him.
"Of course not!" She exclaims. Chip looks over at me. I smile at him.
"Dude why would I care? You like who you like. But you guys would make an amazing couple! " I reassure him. He nods and smiles.
His phone rings and he answers it. He puts the line on speaker and we listen in. Me and Meadow get excited at the fact that it could be Kai.
"Hello Chip," the caller says. He doesn't sound like Kai at all. Meadow looks over at me reassuringly. It's probably just the way Kai sounds on Chip's phone.
" Hi, " he answers nervously. I look over at Meadow. We both silently agree that it had to be Kai. That's the only reason Chip would react that way.
The person sits down on something because a loud squeak comes from the phone. Chip holds it away from his ear and winces.
"So are you ready for tonight? I mean you have to love what your boyfriend does to you," the caller states. Me and Meadow look at each other concerned. This is not Kai.
Chip looks over at us nervously. He bites his lip and looks back down at the phone.
"Uhm. Yeah! I'll see you then," he says and hangs up. He sits here nervously playing with his hands.
"Who was that? " Meadow asks breaking the silence. Chip looks away from us and over into the trees.
"My boyfriend," Chips sighs.

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