🌙 f o u r t e e n

Start from the beginning

Death was coming and he was striding gracefully in his white button up shirt and black pants.

The first floor was a chaos of guests, staffs and his undercover men but he paid no attention to it all. He wanted blood and blood he shall have.

He was outside of the building when one of his men came to him, "Lord, they're at the Underground waiting for you.", his eyes downcast not wanting to see Aidoneus' eyes. And who would? It was the coldest and most uninteresting of black. One would not bother distinguishing him from the dead, his eyes looked dead and looked even colder than corpses. Aiyana however seemed not to share the same thoughts as him, she was the only one who gazed up at his eyes without fear, learning his orbs as if it was the most beautiful of colors when it was bleak and grim. The thought of her only fueled his want to kill. She had been in danger and those men would pay.

"Take me there."

He rode in one of his cars, his driver taking them where hell were. Once the car stopped, he went out straight for the south facade. The gargoyles perched atop the towers looked down upon him, their eyes seemed to burn his skull and follow his every move. Their grotesque visage reminded Aidoneus of the demons he'll inevitably encounter in hell.

The Underground like it's name is located underground. Genius. Only, it wasn't just anywhere. He went inside and saw a few people scattered, kneeling, praying with their eyes closed with rosaries gripped in their hands. Those with their eyes opened paid no attention to him like they were used to him coming here. Only, Aidoneus didn't regularly came to Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris to pray, but to chasten.

They reached passed medieval looking walls with double doors and with carved, sculpted Jews adorning them whose name Aidonueus had forgotten but he was positive it was named after a saint followed by the word portal. A priest was walking with his head bowed from reading presumably the bible what with its thick volume and hard leather bound format and upon lifting his head he stopped to smile and greet Aidoneus.

"Seigneur Nicolaou, ça fait longtemps! Vous avez eu la gentillesse de donner suffisamment d'argent pour élever l'église après le malheureux incendie. Merci beaucoup Seigneur. Voulez-vous que j'annonce aux gens le bien que vous avez fait? Je l'ai déjà annoncé au Seigneur." The old man looked happy as he stared up at Aidoneus expectantly. How could this good man not see the evil in him? Perhaps he had turn a blind eye on it like all the other priests had.

Lord Nicolaou, it has been a long time! You have been kind to donate enough money to lift the church up after the unfortunate fire. Thank you very much Lord. Do you want me to announce to the people the good that you've done? I already announced it to the Lord.

He looked at the priest his face hard and impassive and managed out a simple, "Non, merci."

No, thank you.

And then he left, walked where no ears and eyes could lurk around and came to the end of the edifice, narrow, dark and bleak, no one was allowed here, not even the archbishop and certainly not the Pope.

There, a pariah of old and broken sculptures lay. Some standing, others completely broken. Most of them were gargoyles, others had cobwebs laying still broken beyond repair as if satan himself had punished them not to ever be seen, only hidden, away from judging eyes casting a look and throwing disgusted glares their hideous ways. One gargoyle in particular was clean, complete and intact, it was perched beside a candle holder right on the wall. Its head was of a dragon but the body of a lion's. The dragon's mouth was gaping open. Aidoneus reached out and placed his thumb on the gaping mouth of the dragon. A red laser scanned his thumb and then the eyes of the dragon lit up turning green, a sign much more than just granting them access, it was a sign of acknowledgement. A groan was heard from the old structure followed by the unmistakable sound of concrete rubbing against concrete before the wall before them parted acting as a door slowly opening until it left a gaping dark hole for them. He could feel his men peering towards the darkness as if expecting demons to come out.

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