Chapter 59

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The next day passes by quickly. The morning is mainly sleeping, and getting over my hangover. The afternoon is normal training. Same as always. Non-stop exercise and training. By the time the day is over the party from last night feels like forever ago and I am much more focused on the battle in 5 days as of tomorrow.

The next day I wake up at 7am and meet my group for a jog/race around the tracks. By the time we finish our 5th race, one of which I won, two I placed second, and two I placed third. After the 5th in which I placed 3rd, we all head to grab a coffee and breakfast treat before more training the whole day.

The beginning of the day is the same as every other. One on ones, virtual realities, and a little bit of fitness. This afternoon we have some different plans. As everyone comes back from their 30 minute lunch break, we head to the brown training room. We've mainly been using the green and blue ones. The browns have been using guns where we have been using abilities. Though we prefer not to use guns, so know we work on a different category. Each person lines up in front of a target, next to each of is a plate of knives and blades, all different shapes and sizes.
"You will throw all of these, if one doesn't hit the target, you restart, first to finish wins an extra 20 minutes of sleep tomorrow," I instruct, "you start now." I start throwing along with everyone else, not that I'll get to sleep in even if I do win. I throw each blade with accuracy at the target, this is the first round, the easy one. It's just a big round bullseye target. Soon we will get more specific, but for now I could do this with my eyes closed. I finish second, next to Alexander, who throws them without a second thought hurling them at the target. No one misses one, which is good since it'll just get harder. I press a button on the side wall and the targets fall revealing human shaped targets in front of each of us.
"You should all know what makes the most impact when hit, you have 10 knives, hit the target where you think it'll make the most impact, loser buys breakfast tomorrow," I say teasing, they all need some kind of incentive to work hard, "go!" I say grabbing the smallest knife and hurling it straight towards the head. I don't wait to see where it lands because I know it hit where I aim. Playing darts all night when I was 13 finally is paying off. I grab a longer one and send it hurling at the thigh, then another at the chest and the heart, as well as just above each hip. The last 4 knives I send at the neck, stomach, and hands. I watch as everyone else finishes up. I study whose hit where and who missed how many. Jayden, one of the blues missed 3 and the others hit somewhat impactful, but not the most impactful places. So it's fair to say he lost.

"Sorry Jayden, you're buying breakfast," I say teasing him, as we move onto the next rounds of knife/dagger throwing.

By the time we finish going through all of our planned exercises with knife throwing it's taken up about an hour and a half of the afternoon. Next we have a quick first aid course that Hazel is helping with in terms of leading.

As we head to the hospital I start to get some not so pleasant flashbacks, so I pick up the pace.

By the time we get to the room, I'm trying very hard to control my breathing. Hazel notices me and comes over,

"You okay?" she whispers to me. I nod,
"Just with the battle coming up and everything that has happened here," I pause, "I don't love this place." Hazel nods and then moves the the front with one other person, a green who has been handing out mini med kits. I take my place next to Maya and accept a kit. Hazel starts at the front.
"Hey everyone, I'm sure most of you already know the basic first aid, but for the next hour we will go over what you will have on you during the battle," she says picking up her kit.

"Open this up," the other one says. We all follow.

"This is what you will have on you for the battle," Hazel says as she grabs the small vile, "this is Creabird water. This is the only Creabird water you will have on you, if you need more than this bring them to the plane or call for a medic." I study the small vile barely the size of half of my palm.

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