Chapter 21

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By the time we have finished discussing the terms, my happy place is a little bit lowered. It took a long, long time to figure out. When we went out to take a break, people joined us after. Including Maya, Logan, Hunter, and Hazel. They made the whole plan with us, from which jets each of us will ride on, to how many people will come from where. We decided to attack the capital. Hopefully, while attacking there, browns will hear about it and come find us or join us. While we are attacking the capital and a little bit before, the Musktrait army, or at least part of it, will be in a few brown sectors spreading rumors about a revolution, a rebellion. That there are underground tunnels where they are hiding out somewhere. It is true that there are underground tunnels. I found them years ago while wandering around. They lead between brown sectors. Hopefully, the smart ones will be able to find us, and join our rebellion. I told everyone I am going to go to the tunnels after the battles to join others who will gather there, including Hazel.

Some are already on their way there to spread rumors about the rebellion, while others remain here to train. We are planning to attack in a week, giving the rumor time to spread. All I want to do is go now, get this started. Of course, I can't because I'm well known there, and will most likely be killed on the spot.

"Come on B, focus," Logan says. I am in the training courts with Logan and Maya this morning. I am working on developing more ice skills. I can't go there with mediocre powers, I'm known to be strong. I push harder this time, the icicles encircling part of Logan's feet, but not even making it to his ankles.
"Better Brooke, but you have to focus on raising it like you would with water," Maya says urging me on. I push hard with my mind this time and motioning with my hands. Focus Brooke, bring the ice crawling up. I let my body take over and the ice grows from the ground. This time it reaches his calves, stopping him from moving his legs.

"Ugh!" I scream letting the ice fall, while at the same time sending a flicker of ice to the side of me, before Maya makes it disappear. I've already hit 2 people causing a little bit of bleeding, "can we move onto you working on water?" I exclaim to Maya, pivoting.

"Fine, you have 30 minutes to teach and practice your water skills, then back to the ice. You have to master this in the next week!" Maya complains as we move over to the pool. Maya struggles with the water, but is a master at the ice. We are opposites.

"Okay, now watch what I do and try to copy it," I say making small waves to start her off. She tries her best to copy me, failing a bit.

"Go practice your own harder skills and show off, Logan can teach me," she says motioning to the deep pit I've been staring at.

I basically run over to the pit, eager, to make it a pool for them to play with. It doesn't take much effort to let it start filling with water as it rises up. When it reaches the top I let myself step into it, getting caught by holds. I grip them tight and make waves. I let the waves turn into a spiral of water around me. I lift myself up to the top of it. The ease of it all soothes me.

The 30 minutes go by too fast. Next thing I know my water is slowly starting to freeze, before I let all the water disappear.

"You're already good enough at water, now let's go!" Maya yells grabbing my hand. The ice got a little better. We work on forming walls, and shapes, then making ice appear in random places. Eventually, we got to the growth from the ground thing, which still proves difficult, but possible. I let it creep up Logan slowly, and as it gets higher Logan starts shooting water at me. I dodge it, and block it. After a little while, I get annoyed with him and surprised myself as I freeze his arms in the position they are in. He curses, and Maya claps as I let the ice disappear from Logan's body.

"I think that's good enough for today," Logan says shivering. Maya and I both laugh as we head to our rooms.

In my room, I then play games with the Penley's. By the time they leave, I am so exhausted, and don't feel like going to the group training after dinner. I know I have to as I quickly change back into my training suit, and rush off to dinner. Hazel, Logan, Hunter and I are happy to have some alone time. Though I am becoming friends with Maya, I still miss my little family.

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