"Don't know what you're referring to, Amethyst" Steven says passively, while still holding onto my hand. The Quartz notices quite clearly and still doesn't let it go.

"Really? Are you sure you aren't going to tell me about all the smoochy smooches you are her were exchanging?" Amethyst says, her voice similar to that of a parent talking to an infant. It really gets at Steven.

"Shut up!" He groans, causing everyone to laugh, except for that Pearl.

"Anyways, why don't you two come inside? It's bound to be getting colder out by now" Connie insists, pulling the two of us inside past Pearl and the others and inside the surprisingly warmer environment. The Pearl then shuts the door with a huff. I can only guess that her timid attitude is because she's not fully forgiven me, just like I haven't fully forgiven myself. Still, I thought I proved I'm no threat to my adorable Steven by now, but I must've not done enough.

Everyone then goes over to the kitchen area, which reminds me that it's dinner time for the humans, and by all extensions, Steven. I then move to get ingredients to prepare dinner, though I really have no clue what I'm even going to cook, but Steven tugs me to a halt and shakes his head slightly. I'm confused at first, but then he clears it up with an announcement to everyone.

"Since I feel so refreshed after today's events, I'll be taking care of dinner for everyone. No ifs, ands, or buts" He states proudly. I then shrug, thinking that if he believes he's up to it, then who am I to stop him from being nice ever still. He then strides over into the kitchen and gets to work pulling out different colored boxes and containers from the shelves and cabinets. Amethyst makes a beeline for the stools and plops down roughly after being joined a second later by the stale Pearl.

The Bismuth, Peridot, and Lapis Lazuli then go down to the couch, sit, and begin to talk about who knows what. That leaves me with the tall, tough, and seemingly emotionless fusion called Garnet. In truth, I was actually thinking about talking to her about these emotions of mine. Steven's told me that she's the best to talk to about love and I want to know how to be the best girlfriend possible for Steven. So, with a hint of nervousness in my step, I walk in front of the stoic gem and wait for her to say something.

"You've come to talk to me about how love works, haven't you?" Garnet guess unbelievably. I gasp in shock, but before I can ask how she knew, the fusion cracks a smile and shifts her visor, a flash shining off them.

"Future Vision" She simply explains.
"So, can you help me?" I ask hesitantly. Garnet then grows serious again and puts her hands on her hips.

"Let me just make this clear for you, Spinel. I recognize that my Cutie Pie has obvious feelings for you and that is probably the only reason why I'll help you. I still don't trust you around him, but if you can in fact make Steven happy, then I'll try to let it slide. However, if you ever think of hurting him again in any way, shape, or form, then I will not hesitate to shatter you without a second thought. Are we clear?" She says, making me gulp and nod. The fusion then smiles again and beckons for me to follow her.

"Then let's begin. We'll talk in my room, away from the others" Garnet adds, heading towards the door at the very opposite end of the room. I swallow my fear and stick right behind her, tailing her all the way inside the door, which she opens with her gems. When it shuts, the setting morphs into that of two chairs faced opposite each other. Garnet goes over and sits herself down in one and I quickly figure out that I sit in the other. I do exactly that and once I'm all situated, Garnet starts.

"So, you wish to understand how love really works? Firstly, you must know that it is not just a word or basic emotion. Love is the deepest and most powerful emotion in any being, human or gem. It brings people together and builds futures better than any labor force you'd see on Homeworld. You and Steven have a very passionate bond and I foresee that as long as you continue to stay loyal to him and to balance out what you want with what he desires, then you should have no problem staying together". The fusion explains. I nod a bit, but something's still nagging at the back of my head.
"That's nice, but how do I know if I truly love him?" I ask.

Learn To Love Again {COMPLETED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon