"Bitch please, like your fashion sense is up to royal standard." Danny said, "Ethy looks amazing!"

"Ethan and my little girl know more fashion in their little finger than you will ever have in your entire body!" Evil Queen fumes.

(She stomps her foot causing the boy to flinch and lower his head.)

Queen of Hearts- Why must you disappoint me?! You are nothing but a mistake! God I wish you were never born.

"Oh hell no!" Mom screams, "That woman did not just say that to my boy!"

"God her voice is like a banshee's." Adrian winces, "You deal with that everyday?" I nod.

"We both had to." Rafael said.

"You both have major respect." Esme said, "I don't know what I'd do if I hear that every day of my life."

"I'd fling myself of the highest tower in Auradon." Peter said.

"We all would." Lonnie said.

Ethan- I-I'll do next time m-mother...

Queen of Hearts- What did you call me?!

Ethan- EEEP! I'm so sorry my queen, it just slipped out. I beg your forgiveness, please don't kill me. Please!

"She doesn't like you calling her mother?" Belle asks.

"She despises it with a passion." I replied.

"That's just wrong." Fairy Godmother said with a frown.

"She's a tyrant. What did you expect?"

Queen of Hearts- Ugh. (Puts down her staff) You'll get your punishment when we're alone believe you me. You will pay for that Thirteen.

"Holy hell..." Melody shivers, "She's scary."

"She would honestly punish her child for him calling her mother?" Ben scoffs, "Who honestly does that?"

"I know my sister has been messed up in the head, but never like this." Auntie sighs sadly.

Many royals gulp and can't help but look at the frightened boy on the screen who is scared to death. They lower their heads, knowing full well that they caused this.

(Mal and Evie glance to the side and their eyes spark a little in sympathy before looking back at the Queen of Hearts whose lips widened to that of a Cheshire's smile.)

"Hey! That smile is trademarked by the Cheshire family, nya!" Daniel hisses.

"Meow, that's right!" Alyssa said.

"Calm down children." Cheshire said to them.

(The five turn back to Maleficent.)

Mal- I'm not going to a boarding school filled to the brim with prissy, pink princesses!

"We're not all prissy pink princesses!" Audrey exclaims.

"Your wearing pink at the moment!" Ashley said.

"And your more than that Audrey." Tati looks at her nails, "You're a complete and utter bitch."

"Watch it Naveen!" Ally turns to the girl, "That's my friend your talking to."

"Is she wrong though?" Evie asks, "You and Audrey have been prissy since the day we met you."

"More than prissy." Esme joins in, "Both are harlots!"

My siblings, myself and my friends laugh at that.

Evie- And perfect princes. (She sighs off into dreamland before she catches a glimpse of Mal's face) Ugh.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now