Rescue Mission Step 3: Reunion and Delusion

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"What did you give him?"

"An aphrodisiac. I created it." Kara admits readily. I look over at her then back at Pete. I ease him up and lean him against me. I indicate the shirt and Kara hands it to me. Every touch on his bare skin makes him moan and makes me angrier.

"How long ago did you give it to him? How long will it take to ware off?"

"It was administered a couple of hours ago. It should have worn off by now."

"Who administered the dosage?"

"Ae?" Pete's voice is light and far away sounding. I run my hands through his hair and his eyes closes again.

"Well? Who administered the dosage?"

"The doctor."

"So you don't know that he administered the correct amount." They all shared a look. I grit my teeth and wrap the blanket more tightly around him. Suddenly he jolts and his eyes open wide. They look clear enough but I don't feel sure about this.

"Ae! It's_ Oh my God! Ae!" He launches himself at me and I hold him really tight. It's so god to feel him so close to me. I bury my face in his neck and inhale. That rose scent of his bursts into my nostrils and I want to cry, I am so relieved.

"Ae! Ae! I missed you! Ae!" He keeps chanting my name and I close my eyes and saver his voice. We rock like this for a short while before Pete says something scary.

"Ae. I need you to fuck me. It's burning. All the places you touch are burning. I don't know if this is a dream but I can't take it. Please." Him suddenly saying this jolts me. I blink and let this terrible feeling filter through me. I can't let it control me. I have things to do. I have plans.

"Ok baby. I have to make sure we're safe." I lock eyes on these girls and they shiver. My stare is flat and cold and I don't try to make it any better. I ease Pete down and he whimpers, trying not to let go. I chuck my jacket off and give him my shirt, the one with my scent all over it. I know he feels comfortable in my cloths so I hope my scent can calm him down a little.

I hustle out in my undershirt and lock eyes with Kara. She whimpers and I frown. She ducks behind Dani. Is she for real?

"What did you put in the aphrodisiac? Any drugs, any famous plants I need to know about?"

"Just ecstasy. That's the only drug in the mixture." She whispers and I growl.

"How will that react with a sedative because there is no way I am making love to Pete in this place!"

"I don't think it's good to mix drugs. Dani can knock him out again if you want to go that route." She says passively.

"Then do it. If you hurt him I will fuck you both up so badly, you will wish you were dead yourself." I am also noticing something about this situation. There is a large part of me that is wondering what the hell is happening here. Why are they so mild mannered now? They must be waiting for reinforcements.

"Once that's done we can talk about your options." That startles them. What, did they think they were in control of this situation? "What are you waiting for? Hurry!"

They both hurry. We wait and once they come out again, Kara red faced, I address them by taking out my walkie and contacting Sun.

"Sun, how are we dealing with the reinforcements?" Sun knows me so he doesn't hesitate or sound confused. 

"We lored them in then surrounded them. We have most of them apprehended. There's still a couple of fighters left and some shootout seems to be happening in the distance but otherwise, I think we got this. I'm closer to you than I am to the firefight so I can only relay but anyway, Flyboy has things under control."

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