day two

7 3 2

i haven't done many noteworthy things in my life. i just haven't, not that you're surprised. 

i guess my biggest accomplishment would have to be helping people with their mental health as best i can. i have volunteered on a couple different websites or apps and when people are overwhelmed, i listen to whatever is bothering them. it makes me feel good about myself. my mental health is still terrible, thanks, but i love helping other people. every now and then, i get someone who is so grateful for my time and it means the world to me. i have made some meaningful connections too, and keep up with a few almost daily. i have even talked a couple people down from suicide, but that's too hard for me now that i've lost someone to suicide. i am sad about him every day and it's almost been two years. i don't know that this is something that ever won't hurt me. (that is worded really weird, but i can't think straight to reword it; i am too tired and it is far too late at night.)

i know it seems like i am bragging about this; believe me, i don't want to make it sound that way, but that seriously is my biggest accomplishment, besides graduating high school, which is boring. lots of people do that every may or june. whoop de doo. 

but, uh, i am a boring person. so maybe i should've gone with that instead. 

thank you for coming to my tik tok. (:

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