about me

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i was tagged by the lovely -Bandito- ☺️

(1) i will apologize about anything and everything

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(1) i will apologize about anything and everything. i would apologize about the sun setting, even though i can't do a thing about it.

(2) i try my darnedest not to cuss. and as side note to the first one, sorry about the language above.

(3) my biggest pet peeve is smacking. it slowly kills my remaining brain cells.

(4) my fake smiles looks so real, sometimes i can't tell the difference.

(5) my aesthetic is me in an oversized sweater, under a fluffy blanket, drinking hot chocolate with the love of my life. (can you tell i'm a hopeless romantic? no? good.)

(6) tired isn't a feeling for me; it's my most recognizable personality trait. it often (like now) turns into delirious.

(7) i prefer my creamer with a little coffee in it, as my dad likes to say. or just hot chocolate instead.

(8) i'm pretty much going to be a crazy cat lady. no way around it.

(9) i'm such a contradiction. i don't consider myself a writer for some reason, but i do write. i am both the happiest sad person and the saddest happy person you'll meet. i'm an introvert, but only around certain people. i'm a negative one, but spread as much positivity as i can. the list goes on.

(10) i have a problem: i can't stop buying notebooks and not writing in them. i also have so very many pens. and i'm picky about them. what's the word for an addiction to office supplies?

sort of bonus: i think i could be british, very easily. i was born on the wrong side of the pond, tho.

yeah, sorry i'm too sleepy to tag anyone. it's late here, and i need sleep, y'all. i apologize for any typos. i don't feel like rereading this.

just consider yourself tagged, i guess. or tag your friends in the comments. whichever you prefer.

knock, knock.

who's there?


you who?

big summer blowout!

big summer blowout!

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that's my best joke. i'm not a joker.

spoiler about the book i haven't posted on my profile yet: i haven't the slightest idea what i'm doing, so the end is a surprise to me, too!

i'm going to try to sleep now! goodnight, or good morning, depending on where you are ♥️

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