day two | likes and dislikes

48 10 15

(in no particular order)

1. making everything look magical with fairy lights.
2. notebooks.
3. hot chocolate.
4. kitties.
5. california.
6. when people remember little things about me.
7. baking. i specialize in cookies and brownies.
8. sleeping in.
9. stickers!
10. collecting quotes.

1. hearing people smack.
2. people.
3. the dark corners of my mind.
4. when my hair looks good...right before i get in the shower.
5. having to wear glasses.
6. people who sit behind me and kick my chair.
7. cleaning literally anything.
8. being sick.
9. mental illness.
10. not being able to read a book i've already read for the first time ever again. (does that make sense?)

i feel like i could have written so many more than 10 🤨

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