XXVI - The LIfe Onwards: The University

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May came and it was the start of the enrollment day. I, Aunt Brenda and the twins head out to University of Phoenix, Washington Campus, to enroll for the whole semester round. The University of Phoenix, Washington Campus, is located Massachusetts Avenue, northwest of Washington, Postal Code 20001. And it was located far right of the White House.

When we reach the school, Aunt Brenda parked the car at the front of the main gate of the university and we all walked out from the car. We walked inside the gates and immediately head to the Admissions table. But I didn't know where is the Admissions table or facility, or anything that a student must do the enrolling.

"But do you guys know where the Admission Room is?" I asked to the twins.

I looked around and saw the long line on a room at the far right. They are students who wants to enroll in this school.

"That must be the Admission Room!" I said to the folks.

Aunt Brenda looked at me and saw me looking at the line. "How did you say that?" she asked.

"I just did." I said.

I walked to the line and looked at the signboard at the top of the door with the inscribed name Admission in it. I walked to the end of the line and called out the folks. Aunt Brenda, Linda and the twins ran to me and saw me on the line. They walked in the line and saw the long line that has been waiting.

I took the twins' brochure from their hands and looked at the nice drawing of the school's structures around the premises. I further looked at the brochure as I turned and flipped the pages around. Then I finally saw what I was looking for at the brochure, the courses they offered around the semester.

I looked at the list and noticed they're all categorized by name and they have their own specifications. Like on the Business Administration course. They offered Business Management, Accountant Executive, and other stuff that I didn't ever know. I looked first at the specifications and their specializations on each courses I read.

Then something caught my eyes. I looked at the Criminal Justice course and noticed they've got Criminal Justice Against Cybersex, Criminal Justice with Sociology in Crime Prevention, and they also offered a regular Criminal Justice. So I decided Criminal Justice and can analyze what that course can offer me on a job.

So I looked at Aunt Brenda and leaned my head to her.

"I wonder what my cousins think of my course when they found out." I whispered to Aunt Brenda.

"What course do you have in mind?" she whispered back.

"Hmm...." I hung. "You'll see when I get there. Does they have entrance exam here, tita?"

"Yes." she replied. "Entrance exam will commence before we pay your bills. Do you have your credentials? From your report card to your diploma?"

I checked for my report card, my Form 137 to be exact, my high school diploma and my recognition awards from my envelope. After checking that they're still on my brown envelope, I looked at Aunt Brenda and nodded.

Aunt Brenda smiled at me and wandered what is my choice of course that I chose. It's still became a mystery to her before I got inside the Admissions Room. The line took me thirty minutes to wait before I signed up. The administrator gave us two-page test exam with thirty different questions, both logic and non-logic, analytic and word questions.

So I took the test and so do my twin cousins. We walked inside the room, sat on the reserved chairs and started solving the problems on the questionnaires. I looked at the questionnaires and noticed they're all easy on me. So, after a five minutes of answering the questionnaires with the solution, I stood up and walked to the administrator and gave the answered questionnaire to the administrator.

The administrator immediately checked the answers and found out that I just have three failed answers and others are all correct. They're very surprised at my performance in answering these questions and approved my registration. They gave me my application form and smiled.

"You may proceed to the Billing Station." the administration said to me.

After getting the application form from the administration, I walked out from the room and waited for my twin cousins to finish their own business with the administrator. I looked at the window and saw them still answering their questionnaires. After answering, Mary Kate and Marilyn walked back to the administrator to get their answer sheets checked. They both scored 16 correct answers out of 30.

Then the administrator gave the answered sheets with her signature to the twins and the twins walked out from the room. Then they walked to me, with Aunt Brenda, and we all head to the Billing Station located at the far left of the school premises. When we reach the Billing Station, the billing windows are all busy at the moment with the students who wants to enroll on their particular courses they want.

We walked to the end of the line and waited for thirty minutes before we finally pay the entrance fee. We walked to the window, of a window pane with a cement block sticking at the bottom of the window pane, and Aunt Brenda immediately took her wallet from her left pocket. Then she took some money, the same amount that the cashier wants for the completion of my application, and gave the money to the cashier.

The cashier took my application form and the amount Aunt Brenda gave and she immediately stamped her seal on my application form after she input the same amount she offered on her black-and-white outdated computer. Then she gave it back to me and the twins gave their application form to the cashier. The cashier also asked the same amount that she said to me and the twins paid the said amount. She immediately took the twins' application forms and stamped the same seal on theirs.

We then walked to the Encoding station, where the cashier takes our application forms and encodes the subjects for the entire semester. The Encoding Station is located at the second floor of the Annex building, at the far east. So we head to the stairs, climbed to the second floor, and head to the Encoding Station, some rooms after the staircase we just climbed in. We walked on the alley, with versatile cement tiles on the floor and some locked glass bulletin board on the walls on each rooms we passed by.

We reached the Encoding Station and we noticed the station is actually a classroom with five computers and accountants on each computer but has a centralized air conditioner. They're waiting for the new enrollees to go to them and be encoded with their application form along with their chosen course. I took a peek at the room and noticed the room is still empty and the air around the room is pretty cold.

I walked inside the room and gave my application form to the encoder. The encoder took my credentials and also my application form and immediately typed the inscribed subjects on their database. Then they printed the subjects with their times, days and room number along with the subject teacher with their dot-matrix printer. Then the encoder ripped the encoded schedules and gave the schedule paper to me. She also did what she did to my twin cousins.

After encoding, I looked at my aunt and noticed she's still wondering of what course did I took for college. So I walked to her and smiled at her while giving the schedule paper to her. I looked at the paper first before giving it to her and noticed I've got thirteen subjects to attend to.

"Read it, Aunt Brenda!" I said at her. "It'll make your mind comfortable."

Aunt Brenda took the paper from my hand and looked onto it. She's so impressed and so surprised when she saw a big Criminal Justice on my schedule paper. She looked back at me and smiled while giving the paper back at me.

"Can you manage all subjects with that course you have?" she asked.

"Yes." I simply replied, with a smile on my lips while looking at the sky. "What could possibly be wrong?"

My aunt didn't answer on what I said to her and she's so surprised on what I said at her. So she let me take the course and won't bother me again with that argument. Then we looked at the twins and noticed they're finished with encoding their schedules for the whole semester. Then we head downstairs and walked out from the gate and head home.

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