Chapter 6 - I'm Coming Home

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Here's chapter 6! Love you guys, please vote and comment <3


I woke up with a start that morning. We were moving on a dark road in the middle of nowhere. Mitch was on his own couch across from me now, sleeping peacefully with one arm dangling off of onto the floor. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, taking a long deep breath as I did. I slipped my hand under my shirt and rubbed the skin where my stab wound would have been. My skin was hot and soft with not one trace of what happened the night before.

I took my cell phone out from my bag out of boredom. It wasn't anything special; just a little keyboard phone that had been handed down to me. I turned it on for the first time in a while and saw text messages from friends back at home asking when I'd be back.

The voicemail from my Dad was still in queue, so out of curiosity I pulled it up and listened.

"Hey, Scott..." He started off, sounding fed up. "I don't know what the hell you think you're doing running away from home like this...I know you had a hard time with Casey but that doesn't justify dropping out of school and hitting the road. This isn't you, son. You need to come home...maybe your mother and I could get you help if you really needed it. At least let us know you're okay."

The message stopped and I shut my eyes out of guilt. I held the phone in my hands and looked out the window as the sun started to rise through the trees. The tall trees seemed to go on for miles above. 

We made a pit stop eventually and I took the opportunity to call my parents. I stepped out of the bus and looked around at the road we were traveling on. There were just trees going either way for what seemed like forever. 

I decided to just send a voicemail without having to deal with him directly. I knew he'd guilt me into coming home if I did.

"Hey, Dad, it's me...look I'm sorry I haven't called. You're probably super disappointed in me, but I need to do this. I'm traveling the country and getting to see all different sights. I promise I'm not in trouble or on some downward spiral. I've made friends. I might have even met someone...things are okay, I promise. I love you. Tell Mom the same." 

I sent the voicemail and took a long, deep breath of relief. I missed him and my Mom honestly, but I couldn't let it get to me. I was seventeen years old and had to start living for myself and not for my parents.

"We're moving again!" The driver told me and I climbed back on to see Mitch had woken up. He smiled over to me before getting out of bed and coming to sit by me. 

"Today's our day off." Mitch said.

I smiled. "Nice. We can spend the whole day together." I said quietly to him.

"Yes..." He hissed as his hand slid up my shirt. "We can."

For the first time in the month and a half I'd been here, I wasn't in the mood. "Mind if we just hang out? Maybe we can go look around the town we stop in?"

His face fell. "Oh, yeah...alright."

"What's wrong?" 

He shrugged. "Nothing...I just figured we could mess around."

I laughed. "We do that everyday...and we have all night to do that...let's go out today. I'm sick of being cooped up. Especially after what happened the past couple of nights."

He agreed with some hesitation. When we finally parked, we found we were in some nowhere town in Washington. "We're walking there?" Mitch asked as we headed out of the fair grounds. 

"No, we're walking so we can get a cab." I said. "Then we can walk around the town...then catch a cab back. Kirstie gave me my pay so I can cover it."

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