Chapter 11 - Thrifted

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Yeah, so, I was late with this update because in the middle of writing last night I couldn't focus and I decdied to take a nap which turned into 15 hours of sleep :o lol so here you go <3

Also, sorry for the crappy ending to this one. I promise next week's chapter will be so much more intense :D

NOTE - I will not be updating next Wednesday because my Mom is having a serious surgery and I'm going to be at the hospital with her. Instead I'll update earlier/later in the week - I'll send out a message to everyone to let them know.


The day finally ended and I finished closing up the booth before I heard a whistle behind me. I turned and clenched my jaw when I saw Casey coming towards me, alone this time. “What do you want?” I asked him harshly as I closed the window door.

“I just wanted to…”

“Don’t act coy.” I told him.

He gave me an odd look. “Wow, you’ve gotten harsh.” He said and I did think for a moment that honest, forward Mitch had rubbed off on me. “You know Amy’s waiting in the car, but uh…” He leaned against the closed booth and ran his fingers down my arm to grab my wrist lightly. “There’s a party tonight. Ryan, Kate, and Oliver will all be there. I know they miss you…” He tried to bribe me with my old friends, but I didn’t feel much like seeing them.

I tried to take my wrist away but he grabbed it again. “Come on, Scott…one night before you leave again?” He lowered the volume on his voice so it was low and bassy. “You know what I can do to you…” He traced his thumb on my hand.

I bit my lip and made my voice sultry. “You’re right…” I leaned in close to his ear. “It’s not that good.” I said straight out and flung his arm down before I took off past him, knocking my shoulder with his as I did.

It took him a moment to respond, but when he did, he was defensive. “You’re full of shit.” He said. “You always said it was good every single time we did it.”

“Yeah, because you were getting experience from someone else.”

“Are you really never going to let me live that down?!” He yelled at me and I stopped and turned to him.

“You know what? This is the last time you’ll ever hear of it.”

He looked relieved. “Thank you!”

“Because I’m gone.” I told him and he rolled his eyes.

“With the damn circus, yeah, yeah…” He laughed and then shook his head. “You have to come back at some point, Scotty.”

I thought about my parents and how disapproving they were. I knew they wanted me to go to college and become a doctor but that just wasn’t in the cards for me. I had nothing to come home to.

“You’re right, I’ll come visit…but it won’t be for you.” I ended the conversation by storming off back towards me and Mitch’s trailer.

I shook from the familiar anger I had experienced when Casey and I first broke up a few months back, except this time I wasn’t hurt. I felt invigorated and powerful, just the way I wanted to feel right now.

I turned to where Casey was standing and stared at him from behind. He was lingering and kept stepping forward as if he were going to follow me, but I kept thinking about him leaving.

I want you to leave. NOW.

He stood up straight suddenly and without another breath he walked off towards the exit. I felt the smile growing on my face as he did, but when I turned I was met with a very concerned looking Kirstie.

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