Chapter 8 - "I told you to stay away from her"

Start from the beginning

Shifting her gaze back on Camila, she clenched her jaw. "What has she ever even done to any of you? Why can't you just leave her and her sisters alone?"

Instead of answering, Camila just turned on her heels and ran out of there, her cheerleader friends trailing behind her.

Y/N tried to catch up to them, but the pain that randomly shot through her back because of Lauren's backpack caused her to slow down.

And then they were out of sight.

She bowed forward as she pressed a hand against the spot where a corner of a book hit her perfectly, groaning out in pain. Suddenly, a shadow was seen on the ground standing just right in front of her. She slowly stood straight again and saw that Lisa has emerged in front of her out of nowhere.

The brunette gave her a weird look. Y/N was literally drenched from head to toe, with her clothes on, and moaning out in pain in front of the girls' locker room. If that's not weird, then Lisa doesn't know what is.

"Why are you here?" she finally asked.

Y/N stumbled over her words as she tried to form a sentence. "I-uh... Lauren... uhm." Just earlier today, she's warned her to stay away from her sisters. It's barely been 4 hours since that warning, so she really doesn't know how to say this.

After her sister's name left her mouth, Lisa remembered that her last class was PE today and quickly ran into the locker room right next to them. She quickly found her sister crouched down by the showers, picking up her notes that were now stuck to the floor due to the water on them. Same as Y/N, all her clothes were wet too.

Lisa crouched down to the floor and hugged her younger sister tightly. She didn't know what's happened, but this sure as hell doesn't look like an accident.

"Are you okay?" Lisa's voice croaked out as she tried to hold herself in from crying. She couldn't believe she could still let this happen to her sister, even though she was just right outside the building.

Lauren nodded against her sister's shoulder as she sobbed into her shirt, showing quite the opposite as to what she was saying.

In their embrace, Lisa thought back to the whole situation and everything that has gone down. First she saw Y/N in the parking lot before suddenly running back into the school. That was already weird. Then, after she realized how abnormally long Lauren was taking, she locked her car and walked into the building, and that's when she bumped into the cheerleaders. After that was seeing Y/N standing right next to the lockers room, looking kinda exhausted maybe? And now she's holding her sister as she's crying in her arms.

This really didn't look good for Y/N's case.

Lisa slowly pulled away from the hug and reached into her pocket to grab the car keys. "You go to the car first, there's something I need to take care of."

Lauren nodded her head carefully before taking the keys from her sister.

Once the raven-haired girl was out of sight, she picked up the papers and everything that was still on the wet floor and stuffed it in her backpack. It's mostly ruined and useless anyway, but yeah, maybe there's still something saved.

She then stormed out of there and was pleased to see Y/N still standing in the middle of the hallway.

"Hey, I know you told me to stay--"

"Exactly," Lisa cut her off and shoved her hard into the walls. She closed in on her again and trapped her against the wall with one hand.

Y/N clutched onto her shoulder in pain. First she was smart enough to crash into a solid door and now with Lisa pushing her against the wall, she just hit that spot again.

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