Chapter 8 - "I told you to stay away from her"

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Narrator's POV

The rest of the day went by surprisingly peaceful. Last period just ended for Y/N and not once did any of the cheerleaders decide to bother her or anything.

She really expecting them to be coming for her ass after their encounter during lunch, but nothing, nada. Except well... that thing with Lisa that went down in the restroom.

Y/N figured that that 'friend' that told Lisa that bullshit was Normani. But still, that was way too simple of an act of revenge knowing her now ex-friend. I mean, she almost got her kicked out of the school, just talking shit about her to her crush is literally nothing compared to that.

Stepping out of the building, she walked across the parking lot and noticed... Lisa standing there, leaning against assumedly her own car. What a great coincidence this is.

And that's when she realized something.

"Shit," she said a little too loudly and practically sprinted back in the school building.

The cheerleaders, for sure, wouldn't let this rest like this. And if she isn't in any trouble with those girls, that'll mean that someone else probably might be. The fact that Lisa looked like she was waiting for someone, could signal that one of her sisters is still at school. And that sister could very well be a certain raven-haired girl.

It was now the last period of the day and if she remembered correctly, PE was always the last class every Tuesday in Sophomore year. Lauren was a sophomore, and-- 'Okay, you really gotta stop wasting your time thinking. Just fucking go search for her,' Y/N thought to herself.

She ran over to the gym and found it empty. Quickly, she made her way to the girls' locker room and found it locked.

Okay, maybe she doesn't have PE--

A loud thud was heard inside the changing room, cutting Y/N's thoughts off. It sounded like someone dropped their backpack or something.

Without thinking, she ran straight into the locker room's door, ramming it open.

"Who was that?" was heard coming from the showers.

That voice really couldn't be mistaken. What the hell was she doing here?

And as if on cue, Ally came from the showers area. A shocked expression on her face now. "Y/N?! What are you doing here?"

"What is happening there?" the Y/E/C-eyed girl asked through gritted teeth.

Ally quickly panicked at that. "Wait, Y/N. Don't go in there. Nothing's happen--"

Y/N just pushed her friend out of the way and stormed towards the showers. She was just in time to see one of the girls there pick up the backpack that was on the floor and aiming it at someone that was corned in the douches.

Again, without thinking, she ducked forward and shielded that person off from the impact with the backpack. The books in the bag collided hard with her back, making her grunt out loud.

Lauren slowly opened her eyes again by that sound. That collision with her own backpack never came and suddenly she felt someone's warmth wrapped around her, despite the cold water from the showers running down on her.

"What the fuck?" Camila exclaimed angrily at this person emerging out of nowhere.

"Yeah, what the fuck," Y/N spat out as she turned around to face her friend. How lucky is she to have three out of her five closest friends to be the culprit of all this bullying? She then glanced down at the floor and saw books and notes spilled all over the floor, now all wet due to the running showers.

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