Chapter 19. Family

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The next day, Sam and Dean woke up with Adam in between them. Dean was thoroughly embarrassed after last night. Sam smiled at him, then looked down at Adam. Adam smiled at him then hugged Dean tightly.

"You okay De?" he asked. Dean nodded, kissing his head. Adam smiled widely, kissing his cheek.

There was a knock on the door and they all looked at it. It opened and Bobby was standing there.

"Hey boys. Can I ask why you're all sleeping together?" Bobby asked. Dean blushed and looked away.

"Bad night," Sam said simply. Bobby nodded and looked at Dean.

"Cas and Gabe are here. Cas really wants to see you," Bobby said. Dean nodded and sat up, picking up Adam when he reached out for him. Sam got up and they went downstairs.

Dean was caught up in a hug, a mop of dark hair pressed into his shoulder. He smiled and hugged back, still holding Adam on his hip with one arm. When Cas pulled away, he realized there were tears in his eyes. Dean looked at him with concern, frowning and holding his chin.

"We had a bad night," Gabriel said. Sam looked at him.

"You too?" He asked. Gabe gave a halfhearted smile and hugged him. Sam hugged back. Dean kissed Cas's cheek, smiling at him.

"It's okay Cassie," he whispered.

"I know. It scared me is all," Cas answered, before turning his gaze upon Adam.

"Hi there. I'm Cas. Who're you?" Cas said.

"I'm Adam. De is my big brudder, so's Sammy," he said with a big smile. Cas smiled at him.

"You're adorable. Can I hold you?" Cas asked. Adam nodded, blushing and reaching for him. Cas took him from Dean, smiling. Adam leaned closer to him, widening his eyes and he stared into Cas's.

"Whoa. Your eyes are super duper blue," he said in awe. Cas laughed and smiled widely at Dean.

"He's adorable! Why- how- uh, when?" Cas didn't seem to know what to ask.

"Half brother, fives years, first got here yesterday and has already dealt with one of my worse nightmares," Dean said. Both Dean and Cas often had nightmares, every now and then expanded into full blown panic attacks. Last night just happened to be one of the worse ones.

Cas nodded and looked a Adam, who was smiling at him. Cas grinned widely, unable to control the muscles in his face. He kissed Adam's nose, and Adam blushed.

"De I'm hungry," Adam said quietly.

"Alright kiddo. You want some cereal?" Dean asked. Adam nodded, wriggling to the floor and taking Dean's hand as they walked into the kitchen.

'I think he likes you,' Dean mouthed to Cas. Cas smiled and scrunched his nose. Adam copied him as he sat. Dean poured a bowl for Adam.

Hours later, Cas was sitting on the grass in his front yard, pulling patches of green up. A noise behind him made him turn. Dean was standing there awkwardly, wearing a big green hoodie and jeans, barefoot. Cas smiled at him as he sat next to him, and Dean leaned his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes. Cas sighed and glanced at him, smiling. His smile dropped when he saw tears leaking from Dean's clenched eyes.

"Dean...?" He asked quietly. Dean just shook his head, hugging Cas tightly. Cas hugged back, shushing him and rocking him back and forth. Dean pressed his head into Cas's chest, crying silently.

Cas waited for Dean to calm down, comforting all he could. It took about twenty minutes for Dean to calm down enough to sit up and rub his face, giving Cas a tired smile. Cas wrapped his arm around Dean's shoulders, kissing Dean's forehead.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked kindly. Dean shrugged.

"Well what's wrong?" He asked.

"My new brother. He's terrified here. Everyone but me and you scares him. I don't know what he went through, or if it's just 'cause his mom died. I don't want him to be scared. I was always scared when I was a kid. Always. Either of my dad because he would hurt Sammy and I, or that someone would see the scars, or something. I don't know, it's irrational," he finished with a shrug. Cas smiled at him.

"It's not irrational. Adam's just not used to it all. Give him time. And of course you were scared, I was always scared as a kid too. But we have people that care about us now, there's nothing to worry about now," Cas said reassuringly. Dean smiled and kissed Cas, hugging him again.

"I love you," he said. Cas lifted Dean's head, smiling.

"I know," he whispered. Dean laughed a bit, then pulled Cas to his feet. They went inside, where Adam immediately latched onto Dean's leg. Dean picked him up, resting him on his hip. Adam reached out for Cas, grabbing his hand and grinning. They walked further into the house, where Dean and Cas snickered at Sam and Gabe. They were sitting on the floor, their legs tangled, and they were kissing. Sam was twirling Gabe's curls on the back of his neck, and Gabe had the his fingers in Sam's hair, his thumb on his cheekbone. Adam giggled and squealed "ewweee!"

Sam and Gabe pulled apart quickly, blushing. Cas and Dean came further into the room, and Sam stood. Seeing Dean's bloodshot eyes, he came closer.

"Dean, you alright?" He asked urgently.

"I'm okay Sammy," he said, grinning. Sam nodded and pulled Gabe up from the floor. He stepped closer to his brother, looking up at him.

"Promise you're okay?" He asked.

"Promise," Dean smiled, patting Sam's shoulder. Sam hugged him, smashing Adam against him. Dean hugged back, smiling. Adam pulled Cas towards them, who brought in Gabe. Soon they were just a big blob on the floor, with a giggling little boy in the middle.

"You a good new family," Adam said, smiling. Dean's breath hitched in his chest and Cas smiled at him. Family.



I Don't Talk Much (Destiel fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora