Chapter 17. Summer Fun

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Summer came and Dean was right as a rainbow. He giggled and ran around the neighborhood and ate lucky charms for breakfast and worked out. His gangly limbs thickened and he ran around picking people up, slinging Cas over his shoulders and running out of the house. Everyone laughed and went along with his enthusiastic charade. He calmed down after about a month, and looked very buff.

One day, Bobby decided they should all go to the beach.

The next day, they all packed up. All thirteen of them. Dean, Cas, Sam, Gabe, Kevin, and Charlie all piled in the impala. Bobby, Ellen, Chuck, Jo, and Anna got in the truck. Mikey and Luci got in Mikey's car along with all the food, chairs, towels, and anything else they brought. They went to the beach and set up. Dean stripped off his shirt and shoes, running into the water. Sam, Bobby, and Cas gaped as he frolicked. Dean still never took off his shirt in front of anyone, hardly even Cas. Cas smiled at his happy boyfriend, and followed him into the water in a t-shirt and swim shorts. Dean scooped him up, smiling, and ran deeper into the water. Suddenly, they stopped and came running back in.

"Jellyfish! Lots of jellyfish!" Dean screamed, laughing.

"I wanna see!" Gabe and Sam yelled, splashing through the water.

"Whoa they're as big as my head!" Gabe laughed, stumbling through the water and back to shore. Sam shrieked and threw himself onshore. Dean laughed at his younger brother.

"All right little bro? Or should I say sis?" He joked, ruffling his hair. Sam scowled and shoved his hand away. Dean barked a laugh and turned to Cas, who was awkwardly running his hands on the bottom of his shirt. He glanced at Dean, at his scars that fit on his torso. They were a part of him, and though they were terrible, Cas loved them. But he didn't love his own. They stuck out, like red blood on a white marble floor. They were ugly, like an infected scab, oozing and puffy. He hated them. He hated his own body.

"C'mon baby. You can do it. You're beautiful," Dean coaxed, lowering his head to Cas' eye level. Cas ducked his head further, his bright blue orbs looking at Dean sadly. Dean smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"Be proud of who you are, baby. Take off your shield and show the world the you. Castiel Novak, let yourself be known. Be proud of it," Dean said quietly. Cas nodded, smiling widely now with tears glistening in his eyes. Dean held the bottom of his shirt, and together he and Cas took it off.

"Gorgeous," Dean smiled, taking his hand and kissing his cheek. Cas blushed deeply.

Throughout the day, they waded further and further into the water, seeing who could get closest to the fish of jelly without being stung. When Lucifer was finally stung by a small one, resulting in a lot of shrieking, they decided to back off. Sand castles were made (including one named San Castiel because Dean shoved Cas in a hole and made a castle around him), and a sandball war began. It was painful, and when they had finished everyone had red lines and dots all over them.

At around three'o'clock, a girl in a black one piece bathing suit showed up. She had her brown hair in a side braid and was wearing aviator sunglasses. She walked right up to Charlie, and they looked very odd next to each other. Charlie was wearing guys Hawaiian swim trunks, and an orange bikini top. When they got face to face, Charlie kissed her. Everyone looked at them, unsurprised but curious. Dean was the first to walk up to them.

"Well, Charles, seems you've got yourself a girl. A pretty one, too," Dean smirked. Charlie grinned at him.

"Dean, this is Dorothy. Dorothy, Dean," she said, slipping her hand into Dorothy's. Dean grinned at Dorothy, acknowledging that her eyes never broke contact with his own. Cas came over and Dean took his hand.

"Cas, this is Dorothy. Dorothy, Cas," Dean said, and Dorothy smiled.

"Nice to meet you," she said, pushing her aviators up on her forehead. Cas grinned.

"Likewise," he said. After Charlie introduced everyone, they got back to what they had been doing.

Late, when it was pitch black outside, they headed home. It ended up with an adult in each car and teenagers asleep everywhere.

Bobby smiled as he drove the impala, glancing in the rear view mirror at Dean, Cas, Gabe, and Sam fast asleep. They had a pretty good thing going.


I know this is short and took forever to upload but I've been so busy with everything. I uploaded in honor of season 10 which I an freaking out about and I am not happy. Ugh.

Please enjoy this fluff I have bestowed upon you.

Farewell, my lovelies. Until next time,


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