Chapter 18. New Brother

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Two weeks later, Dean stumbled downstairs early one morning. He had no clue why he was awake this early, but he was hungry. He dragged quietly into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. When he got there and sat down, he noticed Bobby on the phone.

"Listen, mister. These boys have been through a lot- yeah, okay- they don't need- alright- well, if you think so- I guess- five?- wow, okay- thanks I guess- two days- alright- bye," he said, then hung up. He turned, and jumped when he saw Dean.

"Who that?" Dean asked sleepily.

"Um, a social worker. From the state," Bobby answered truthfully. Dean sat up straight.

"What? Why? Is it about me and Sammy?" He asked. Bobby smiled.

"You're safe, don't worry. It's actually about... your father," Bobby said awkwardly. Dean's eyes clouded over an his face pulled into a glare.

"What about him?" He said in a hushed voice.

"Well, it seems you have a little brother," Bobby said, and Dean's jaw dropped.

"He's five years old, his mother just died, and his name is Adam. They said they wanted him to be with his blood family if y'all don't mind, instead of putting him in the system," Bobby explained. Dean nodded, frowning.

"He's coming in two days. If you want to tell Sam, I'll let you, or I can do it," Bobby offered.

"I've got it. Thanks, Bobby," Dean said, standing and walking over to the cabinet. He pulled out the cereal and poured himself a bowl. Bobby watched him worriedly. Dean grinned at him and ate his cereal.

"It's okay Bobby," he said. The floor creaked suddenly and Sam was standing there, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Whatcha talkin' 'bout," Sam murmured.

"I'll tell you when you're awake," Dean smirked, and Sam stuck out his tongue. He sat down and poured himself a bowl of cereal, chowing down.

An hour later, Dean and Sam were sitting on Dean's bed. Sam was super confused and Dean was super awkward.

"Well?" Sam said. Dean coughed awkwardly.

"W-well, um... so, we h-have a surprise," Dean stuttered. His speech impediment always made a reappearance in awkward situations or when he was scared. Sam adopted a concerned expression, leaning closer to Dean. Dean took a shuddering breath.

"Seemswegotabrotherandhismomjustdiedsohesgonnacomelivewithus," Dean spit out quickly. Sam stared at him.

"What?" He asked. Dean sighed.

"We have a younger brother. He's five, his name is Adam, his mother just died so he's gonna come live with us," Dean said calmly.

"Oh. Cool," Sam said with a shrug.

"Thank god you took that well," Dean said, smiling. Sam grinned and hugged his brother.

The next day went by quickly. Dean slept until two, and didn't actually get out of bed until four. When he came down he was bombarded by questions.

"Hey Dean glad to see you how you doing do you mind if Adam stays with you in your room we'll put in a cot but we've got to clear out the other room," Bobby said. Dean shrugged.

"Sure, whatever. Fine by me," Dean said. Bobby smiled and nodded.

Couple hours later, they set up a cot next to Dean's bed. By that time, it was almost ten'o'clock. Bobby and Ellen sent everyone up to bed.

"He'll be here at nine tomorrow!" They called. They yelled back and got in bed.

The next morning, Bobby and Ellen were sort of trying to clean up the house. By eight forty five, Jo and Sam were peering out the window, Dean was sitting on the front steps, and Bobby and Ellen were sitting on the stairs. A black car pulled into the driveway, and the front door opened. A tall man stepped out, opening the back door. Dean watched as he stuck his hand in the door, said something, then pulled his hand away. He stepped away, then looked at Dean. Dean stood and walked over to the car. He nodded to the man and knelt next to the door.

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