Chapter 9. The Storm

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"Me and Dean gotta go home now, it's getting late," Sam said. He gave Gabe a kiss, and walked through the rain to the car. Dean gathered Cas into a hug, kissing him long and hard.
"See you tomorrow," he said, and Cas smiled at him and he walked out. Jo followed, waving to Anna.
"Love you!" Dean called.
"Love you too!" Cas called back, secretly panicking inside. When he shut the door, he began to jump up and down as Anna walked upstairs.
"He said he loves me!!" He squealed.
"Alright fangirl, this isn't Doctor Who," Gabe said, laughing at him. Cas smacked the back of his head, still grinning like an idiot. Then the power went out.
"Damn!" Gabriel yelled. Chuck hit him on the back of the head.
"Everyone's hitting my head! What the heck?" he muttered. Chuck rolled his eyes, and the dark room lit up, lightning lighting up the street. Footsteps thundered down the stairs, and suddenly, the twins and Anna were standing there, looking rather nervous. Cas pointed and laughed at them, and they rolled their eyes and stuck out their tongues.
"Hey! I gotta idea!" Gabe yelled, running upstairs. They heard him stumble and fall.
"I'm good," came a voice from above. Soon after, Gabe stumbled back down... with glow sticks. Six packets. He passed them around, and soon, everyone was glowing. Literally. They ran around the house, lighting candles and setting up battery lamps.
"Whee!" Gabe yelled as he leaped over Cas. Cas jumped off the ground, and slung Anna over his shoulder, laughing. Anna squealed, grabbing his shoulders.
"Pumme down pumme down!" She screamed, and Cas threw her onto the sofa. Then Gabe was on his back, yelling and laughing, and Cas swung him over his shoulder and to the floor, sitting on him and tickling him.
"Do you yield?" Cas said in a voice full of pride and authority... and like three octaves deeper than his normal voice.
"I yield! Uncle! Uncle!" Gabe gasped, and suddenly Chuck was tickling him too.
"You called?" He taunted, and Cas got up, sitting on the couch next to Anna. Anna was laughing, and the twins were wrestling on the floor. Cas hoped Dean was having as much fun.

Dean was NOT having as much fun. At the moment, he was determinedly trying to regain control of his car for the fifth time. The roads were dark except for the car headlights, which were only able to be seen about twenty feet away through the heavy downpour. And he was hydro-planing. A lot. He'd skid, hydro-plane, regain control, skid, hydro-plane, regain control, skid, hydro-plane... well, you get the gist.
"Dammit!" Dean yelled, slamming on the brakes over and over. But the car didn't stop.
"Oh jesus!" Jo yelled from the back, and Sam was gripping the dash so hard his fingers were white.
"Jo! Move behind Sam!" Dean yelled, and Jo slid over, re-buckling immediately. A car honked at them, and Dean barely managed to swerve. In doing so, he and another out-of-control car rammed into each other, smashing into Dean's side of the car.
"Holy shit!" was heard from Sam in the millisecond heard between the cars collided and Sam's head connecting with the window.
"Sam!" was heard from Dean in the millisecond between collision and collision with the steering wheel.
"Boys!" was heard from Jo in the millisecond between the collision and slamming into Sam's seat. Then, as if in slow motion, the car folded like a xylophone, as did the other. Everyone inside both cars, unconscious. Another few cars pulled up beside them, waiting for the ambulance about ten different people called. There were two people in the other car. A young woman, and her son. Five minutes later, two ambulances and a fire truck came up, men holding tarps over the ruined cars, men prying open doors, random women from different cars comforting the victims, telling them it would be okay, even if they were unconscious. Finally, the roof of an impala came off, and the roof of a sedan came off. The five people were lifted out of the cars and onto stretchers, and into ambulances. A sixteen year boy, a fifteen year old girl, and a twelve year old boy in the impala. A thirty year old woman and an eight year boy in the sedan. Sirens wailed as they pulled away, leaving a crowd of stunned people standing in the rain.

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