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'Jungkook, have you noticed anything about the ring when you took a glance on it?'


'It's fine if you saw was supernatural.'


Jungkook began to think through his thoughts about what to say, it's difficult to answer when what you always saw was something glittering ONLY for you.

Should I tell him? I mean, maybe it was in my head or something. I don't wanna be laughed at just by the ring...

'Nothing, really. It just attracted my eyes since they're a beauty.'

Oh, I lied?

Yoongi nodded in disappointment. He was expecting an answer that would make him grab his hand and run them towards his father.

Should have expected that, Yoongi thought.

'Hey, classes are about to start, let's go?'

'... Yeah.'

Jungkook studied the younger's face, only to find out he had a frown painted on him, making him blink his eyes from concern.

What is bothering him these days??


'Hyung, look at my ring', Yoongi said rather straightforwardly.

Yoongi held it between his thumb and index. Hoseok made a peek and was in awe as it was beautiful and stunning. 

'Wow, it's beautiful, where'd you get that?'

'Umm, my father gave it to me and told me that it belonged to my late mother.'

Hoseok was still in awe, but upon hearing the younger's mother he got confused.

'Your late mother?'

'Yeah, and I never knew what she looked like.'

'Oh, umm I'm sorry to hear that', Hoseok apologized about his actions.

'It's fine. You didn't even did anything wrong', Yoongi smiled, assuring the older that he had nothing to do with it.

'Though, I have a question for you.'

'Go ahead.'

'Is it shining? Or yet glimmering?'


Sigh, no luck. He didn't see anything and just said it was beautiful.

Yoongi mumbled and mumbled on his way to the school's door. He isn't really the type to mumble to himself, but he couldn't restrain himself right now.

The deadline is about to come, and it's making him very anxious.

Father once told me that I already belong to someone... But who is this someone?

Is that person older than me? Is it a guy or a girl? Is he rich or average? Gah! I don't want to think about it...

... But if I don't think about it, it makes my head even more nervous than before!

... Wait, do I have a head??

Not now Yoongi! No puns right now!

'Hey Yoongs!' Jungkook arrived rather late than usual. He was out of breathe, trying to catch the oblivious Yoongi speed walking while muttering incoherent words to himself.

'Slow... hah.... Down.... Will ya?' he said between pants. Jungkook looked up, and instantly the ruby ring Yoongi has wrapped around his ring finger began to glow before his very eyes yet again.

Should I tell him?

Just effing tell him already.

Would I get laugh at though?


Jungkook stood up from his slouching position and faced Yoongi, who has sad eyes staring at him, even if his face show emotionless feature.

'Yoongs, lets talk.'

Yoongi blinked his eyes, and the moment he did, Jungkook already dragged them out the school gates.


Slurps here, and slurps there. Then there was a sigh.

Yoongi had his eyes fixated at his ice cold coffee of his, while Jungkook hadn't batted a lash as he stares at the younger, his head resting on the his fist, elbow on the wooden table they're at.

He couldn't get his eyes off of him as he kept wondering why he looks so disappointed as the day goes.

Jungkook sighed and finally wandered his eyes from Yoongi.

Jungkook, I know you're not dumb, but you're dumb when it comes to comforting a person!

Jungkook scolded himself. He's always frustrated on what to do when there's a situation he isn't very good at.

Jungkook, it's now or never.

'So, why'd we come here?'

Yoongi was the first one to break the suffocating ice.


5... 4...

Yoongi stared at him, waiting for an answer.

3... 2...

'I guess I can see a very sparky spark on the ring you have...?', Jungkook blurted, rubbing his nape, eyes averted anywhere but the younger in front of him.

Yoongi's eyes widened.



It's been awhile, huh? 


Anyhow, hope ya'll liked this chapter i made <3

I know it's kind of a cliffhanger, but you'll get the next chapter, no worries

Is it too fast? Crappy? I'll try to improve if you say so.

I'm still a beginner at this, so I'm not really sure how to heat things up and make them interesting :(

Help this poor author improve plss :'))


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