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He... He really looks like him.

Yoongi blankly walked through the hallways, hands tightly grabbing onto the straps of his backpack. Jungkook was following behind him, lips whistling soft melodies as they pass by every rooms they would pass by.

While in his own little head, Jungkook, completely unaware of the situation, was also asking questions about an another topic.

Does he really NOT have a brother??

Are they somehow blood-related?

Hoseok hyung said he doesn't have a sibling...

Why do they even look similar?

There ARE plenty of Kims in this country though...

Should I ask father about this?

Nah, he ain't a better help...

Whatever, focus on your studies you ugly piece of-

'Yoongs, where are you going?'

Yoongi abruptly stopped at his tracks when Jungkook called his name. 

... What was I thinking?

He slowly turned around and walked passed the older, not forgetting to put between them a small sorry.

Jungkook observed the little man as he went up the stairs and to their table. Eyes following his every little move, identical to how he would put out the book and notebook they needed for this class. Gazing the young boy from his sit, he saw him raise his arm and waved his hand at him, gesturing for him to come sit beside him.

Jungkook sucked his inner cheeks at how embarrassing he was doing and immediately duck his head.

I looked like a fucking perverted man...



Taehyung called out from behind the aforementioned man. Hoseok turned to his back, his smile almost reaching his ears as from how wide it was. They were currently in a class called Math, something Hoseok would love and Taehyung would despise.

'Yes? How may I help you with?'

'Help me finish my math', he pleaded, taking a sit beside the young man. Hoseok quirked a brow, already questioning to why does he even need his help.

'Huh? Aren't you also good at math?'

'Yeah, but I don't understand this one', he began to take out his Math book from his knapsack, and immediately opened the page they were assigned to answer after putting it on his desk.

As soon as he showed the problem, Hosoek couldn't believe how stupid the equation he was given.

'Dude, do you think I'll fell to the same trick again?'

'Well, you fell for it, anyway... Yet again', he let out a light snort.

Hoseok would open his mouth, but whenever he does, no words comes out from it, resulting to let it close, then open again.

'Taehyung, completely unbothered, was resting his head on the palm of his hand, elbow on the wooden table.

'Just speak already', he demanded.


'Well, I do hate Math, so... Yeah...'

Silence began to surround them.

'I can't even answer 1 plus one.'

'... Unbelievable', giving up, he proceeded on teaching Taehyung on the number he was having a hard time with.

Little did poor Hoseok know that Taehyung already finished his assignment not too long ago.


In the Min's Household...

'Father, do we still have some time left?' 

'I'm afraid there isn't any much time son', Hyun Ki replied, drastically devastated.

Why does this have to come in our lives??

The father tapped his foot on the floor, teeth gnawing onto his index finger as he kept stressing himself on what to do next.

'Didn't you told me before that Jungkook saw your ring?'

Yoongi nodded.

'Tomorrow, ask him any questions regarding about the ring. I want to hear something from him.'

Yoongi nodded once more in the acknowledge of his remind. He also knew the possibility to why his father told him to ask the older questions.

'Remember, Mr. Kim would come 7 o'clock sharp in the evening. We have to solve this fast.'

... Huh? How does father know the exact timing of when would Mr. Kim arrive?

No time to ask this stupid question.

'Understood, father.'

It was quiet after the two talked and stressed out. They were in the living room as his father called him from there.

Suddenly, that soundless aura was disturbed by a low grumble. \

Yoongi stared at his father, detecting that he heard the sound came from there.

'Uhmm... Hungry?'

Yoongi chuckled at how embarrassed his father.




Sorry for the super duper long update, I was busy with so many stuffs (well, I, still am, what am I talking about??)

And yeah, an another short chapter... -_-

 But no worries, next chapter would be... uhmmmm.... great? 

WHATEVER, but do please enjoy this book.


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