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A man groaned on his swivel chair, his hair dyed dirty blonde, wearing a suit and tie, frustrated at the fact he can't have what he want.

'That beautiful doll... I want him!'

He said with his teeth gritted, joining it with his fisted hand, slamming it with so much force onto the hard wooden table causing to have a loud bang, eyes fiery, anger evident on his orbs.

'Sir, you know what the old doll maker said, you can't have him unless you found a spark onto the-'

'I know that! So shut up and be silence on your spot. Didn't I told you before to never speak before me if you aren't commanded to speak?', the man spat at his secretary, who is currently sitting on a desk the CEO placed by his left, about 1 to 2 meters is the distance between the two.

'I am sorry, sir', the secretary apologized immediately, before he gets fired just by his rage.

The man wiped his face with his hand, his jaw clenched.

He has been like this ever since he first saw the doll in Hyun Ki's shop. He got so obsessed with it, that he even went inside the said shop and bluntly told the owner that he'll pay as much as the maker wanted to have. Unfortunately, Hyun Ki neglected the offer and he said that the doll wasn't for sell. Additionally, Hyun Ki at that time was just opening and he regretted the fact he left the doll where plenty of people may see. Exactly at that time, the CEO noticed the porcelain doll.

It has been a year ever since he kept on persuading the old man to give him the doll.

Yet, he doesn't know the doll's very deep secret within it. He isn't aware of the backstory of the said item.

All he knows that he has to see a spark on a specific ring, which his secretary told him, before he could even had the chance to abduct the doll one night.

The CEO bit onto his thumb's nail, his eyes on a glare at the thought of not having it.

His mind began to think of a scheme on how to get the doll into his grasp.

'Sir, you have an upcoming meeting at 5.30 pm.'

'With whom?'

'With Mr. Park Jimin, sir.'

'How many minutes do we have before we set off?'

'About 30 minutes, sir.'

He stood up from his sit and buttoned up the button by his wrist, and said with an intimidating tone,

'We better head off now, rather than later, before he becomes my next victim.'

They exited the transparent door and went to the right, heading straight to the elevator.

'We are going to leave right after the meeting ends. We are going to that small shop.'

'Again, sir?'

'I am not stopping unless I have it wrapped around my finger.'


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