Chapter 61: Like you

Start from the beginning

Xie Luan did not nod. The current situation could not be regarded as good, he replied, "The guidance was successful, but the life response of these eggs has not stabilized. I will need to take care of them for some time," he paused.

"I will stay here for a while. If possible, I would like to stay in the room where these eggs are. It will be easier to take care of them and more convenient that way.

Thinking it over, Xie Luan took the initiative to suggest this.

Almost immediately after he finished speaking, Xie Luan saw the mukas in the room nodding at him. The several adult mukas then hissed to express their approval of what he had just said.

One of the adult mukas stepped closer and Xie Luan saw a small virtual panel appeared in front of the muka. After two second, a word appeared on the virtual panel, "Good."

The mukas couldn't change into a humanoid form like the other races. So in order to communicate with another race, the adult mukas would wear a kind of device that allowed them to "talk".

It turned what they wanted to say into writing and then displayed it on the virtual panel. The language on the panel was the universal interstellar language. These mukas usually used the simplest sentence patterns to express what they wanted to convey.

Like this, it was decided. Xie Luan would temporarily lodge in the room at this house.

Just finished with the spiritual guidance for the eggs, Xie Luan had nothing to do. So he talked with the muka cub next to him and humored the big cub who had obediently been standing to the side while he took care of the eggs just now.

When Xie Luan opened his arms and let the muka cub lightly snuggle into his embrace, he saw the few other muka cubs in the room move closer to him.

One was about the size of the muka cub snuggling him, while the other two were slightly smaller.

Judging from their size, the two smaller muka cubs should be only four or five months old. These cubs were now looking at Xie Luan.

The same scarlet color. Xie Luan met these three pairs of eyes. After thinking about it, he tried to urge these three muka cubs who were looking at him from not too far away.

With a wave of his hand, Xie Luan really got these cubs to come over.

Thinking that the three muka cubs might also want to be coaxed, Xie Luan, under the gaze of three pairs of scarlet eyes, tiptoed and one by one touched the head of the muka cubs.

Cubs liked to be coaxed, Xie Luan had always believed that.

Perhaps these muka cubs had never before been coaxed like this by an adult. While coaxing, Xie Luan soon heard these cubs also make a low hissing sound.

However, when the three muka cubs also wanted to snuggle against him, the tragedy occurred and Xie Luan once again got to experience the feeling of being snuggled to the ground by cubs.

Surrounded by a total of four muka cubs, Xie Luan took out a bag of milk candy from the space button. He had originally brought several bags for Nick as traveling snacks and he now took out one of them to share between the cubs.

Just like how Nick had first reacted to the milk candy, the other muka cubs who were fed a piece of the milk candy by Xie Luan were still standing in place being specifically obedient, quietly feeling the sweet taste in their mouths.

"Want more?" Xie Luan asked the four mukas around him while shaking the small bag in his hand. There were about twenty milk candies in the bag. This time, he did not have to seem as stingy as he had when he first came to this world.

Hearing the response of the cubs, Xie Luan continued to peel the wrappers of the milk candies and feed them to the muka cubs.

Seeing the obedient appearance of the waiting cubs, Xie Luan thought of the sentence "Sit in a row and eat fruit" and couldn't help but smile. [1]

Accompanying the four cubs until evening, Xie Luan originally thought that he would today make do with a nutrient pack for dinner. As a result, when Xie Luan was preparing to go back to his room, two adult mukas walked over to him with wooden plates balanced on their forearms.

The left wooden plate was adorned with many kinds of fresh fruits, while on the right wooden place there were meat, baked food, and vegetables.

Although it was not complex cooking, the meat on the right plate was cooked well, without any burned places. The seasoning sprinkled on top of it made Xie Luan who smelled it feel that it was still quite appetizing. 

The two adult mukas came over and place two wooden plates in front of Xie Luan, they were followed by several other mukas. Together they made some low hissing sounds at Xie Luan.

Actually, mukas didn't normally eat food like this or pay much attention to it. They wouldn't prepare several kinds of fruits and when eating meat, they seldom sprinkled seasonings and carefully cooked it.

But this time, the youth who came to help them save the eggs was a human who could not eat food that was not cooked and tasteless. So these mukas had specially prepared this food for Xie Luan.

At the sight of these two wooden plates filled with food, Xie Luan was slightly shocked.

To mukas, living resources were very valuable. It could be said that two wooden plates filled with food represented the attitude these mukas had towards him.

The adult muka at the front was responsible for speaking for the group. On the emerging virtual panel, just like when typing, Xie Luan saw the text appear on the screen letter by letter.       
「Thank you.」

「Thank you.」

「Like you.」

[1] - "Sit in a row and eat fruit" is from a nursery rhyme, here is a link to the lyrics,排排坐吃果果/5378432 and here is a link to the song,
Translator's note:

Ugh, my poor heart can't handle all this sweetness. (*≧∀≦*)

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